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[Suggestion] We need a new parent threat like the: PVP and PVE categories


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Dear Support!

Please, add one more forum category like the PVP (+WVW), and PVE (Fractals etc). We really need a new category for the Guilds, where we can see all of the public guilds whos recruite, and an opportunity, to post our guilds to the forum.

I know, its not an urgent thing, nor a big deal, but it will be a nice upgrade for the forum's QoL*.

Thank you so much for your time, to read my suggestion :)

Dear Viewers!

If you agreed with me about this suggestion, and would you like to able to use this feature at the forum, please reply or use a reaction (helpful / thumbs up), to let the Devs know :)

QoL = Quality of Life*

Have a nice day for all of you!

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:Looking for Guild

Can you explain the difference between that folder and what you want to see added?

To be honest, in my mobile I sisn't seen that category, so if theres something like that than sorry for my ask, any my post.

By the way, the separated category with a guild listing and the looking for option would be great, so let the user do:

  • open a new topic inside the Looking for a Guild section with the listed guilds name requirements and so on,
  • let the user open a new topic inside the parent category named Llokong for a Guold, where the player can post his/her infos details and expectations about the future guild what he/she want to be, and allow him/her to recive ingane invites when someones guild matching his/her ideal.

The second option is only for that useres who dont find any suitable guilds in the liating.

As i said ita just an idea and sorry for not seen the current topic for that, so if the Devs can do it, feel free to delete my post if its deserv that faith.

Anyways thanks for noting me about that thing what I cant find (thanks iphone)

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