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Switching characters while waiting for the match to start should be stopped in the next patch!


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@Gamble.4580 said:This is a stupid. Everyone should learn more than one class in ranked.

I'm asking to lock the class swap in UNRANKED. I totally understand that swapping a class is part of a good strategy. But the unranked is usually there to allow new people to start with PvP, or to allow players to play around with a new class/build. If you are that good that you can play efficiently several classes in PvP, why don't you play ranked, rather than taking advantage of new/unexperienced players?Most of the players who play in unranked don't even know that you can see the opponent team before the match starts. Even fewer know that you can swap class.EDIT: probably it was better to start a new thread rather than necroing this one, you're right.

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@Urud.4925 said:

@"Gamble.4580" said:This is a stupid. Everyone should learn more than one class in ranked.

I'm asking to lock the class swap in UNRANKED. I totally understand that swapping a class is part of a good strategy. But the unranked is usually there to allow new people to start with PvP, or to allow players to play around with a new class/build. If you are that good that you can play efficiently several classes in PvP, why don't you play ranked, rather than taking advantage of new/unexperienced players?Just because it's unranked, should not mean that players cannot have the same functionality as ranked. It's not just a case of having a competitive advantage because you can pick a hard counter to your opponent, but more so that you can balance your team out.As an example: I started a match recently with the following set-up (from matchmaking system) -My team: 2 necro, 2 thief, 1 rev(myself)Opponent team: 1 war, 1 guard, 1 ranger, 1 thief , 1 necroA really odd situation but I decided that the role I fill with my Rev gameplay would not be suitable in this situation so I switched to ranger. I could have chosen to stack Necro and added to the AOE condi spam which would probably have worked, I could have also picked FB and taken to supporting both Scourges. I changed because I predicted that I would not have a fun match using the class I started with in this team composition.If we're arguing that unranked is all about testing builds and playing for fun, then why limit what people can change to? It's less enjoyable if you get locked into a class where you immediately know you're not going to have a good time.Most of the players who play in unranked don't even know that you can see the opponent team before the match starts. Even fewer know that you can swap class.Unranked works based on MMR as far as I am aware. Experienced players will not be matched up with complete greenies that often.The "think of the
new players" argument isn't too strong here.

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@Kathul.1280 said:

@"sephiroth.4217" said:. Class switching gives the player at least a little bit of control over the RNG match ups

Due to the fact that Anet, by a long dead forum vote, supports such sentiments people will view this kind of thinking as NOT match manipulation.

It's definitely match manipulation but players have to do what they can in a broken system.Not only that but some players like myself have a tendency to take initiative to fix what they can themselves rather than relying on someone else too, in this case we are all relying on Anet to fix certain things but we know they won't so the question of whether to wait on them or not is thrown out the window and becomes much easier to take action ourselves.Both the community and Anet seem happy with this outcome so the logic of "why fix what isn't broken" starts to come into play.

If they (in order):

  • Finalized Duo queue trial
  • made renegade and other specs viable
  • nerfed certain OP specs

then they could start too:

  • update match making to certain specs rather than classes... (instead of putting 2 firebrands on one team and 2 DH's on the other)
  • introduce class MMR
  • lock class switching
  • update accordingly rather than saying "good enough" half way through the changes/trial.

After those basics are done, we could probably start to see a better system overall and start building on that.

Dumbass wishful thinking though because we know they are busy with Living Story episodes and hopefully are still working on that alliance system for WvW I heard about 6 months ago.

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Today I've read an interesting article about the last patch in Overwatch, to solve the problem of the toxic players, on Kotaku. "Choosing which role to play prior to a game—and getting locked into that role—ensures players won’t go rogue or rage over imbalanced teams."I'm fine with allowing a certain degree of strategy, but the suggestion made by several people here, to have max 1 profession per team, seems fair and probably easy to implement. The problem are not scourges per se (or any other OP class), but it's when you have 2-3 per team...

Anyway, last day it was my team that had 2 scourges, so we won easy peasy. I guess that in the long run, the matches are balanced, somehow. It's just a pity that sometimes the fight is already decided before even starting the match, due to the team composition, rather than for the players' skills.I remember one fight when none of the team had necro/mirage: I said "wow, how is it possible?" People replied amused, whishing good luck everyone, and in the end the match finished like 505 vs 490. It was a great and balanced match.

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