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Even though PoF tomorrow will be chaos in Ranked PvP...


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I look forward to seeing all the practicing in Ranked. Seriously.

Here's a summary of the season so far (a culmination of this season's totally unique complaints):

This season so far anyway has been nothing but a mess of off-meta, PvE-into-PvP, build glory. Nothing will really change in terms of matchmaking. Everyone's baseless woes will still plague them. The algorithm will stay the same and the gamble won't stop.

Duo off-hours with a hyper carry Thief/Rev/Mes still be the thing to really climb. Solo Queue Engi will still be win rate suicide.

We don't know why, despite how predictable the win/loss trend is, We'll keep PvPing and tanking our rating and win-rates only to climb right back up to fall right back down. The beautiful and cursed cycle of solo queuing in Plat limbo. We'll still not understand we'll always get the short end and no matter how well we play, loss deficient this season will increase as it is built by solo queuing and not learning when to stop...because it's really all unavoidable and we just have to git gud. The algorithm is flawless.

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I predict Sindrener is going have a field day against the increased amount of thief "mains" who still don't know exploit their mobility to win the map objectively. While the rest of us plebs get matched with those P/P and stationary Deadeye gameplay thieves who wonder why we are down 300 points 5 minutes in.

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@LUST.7241 said:I predict Sindrener is going have a field day against the increased amount of thief "mains" who still don't know exploit their mobility to win the map objectively. While the rest of us plebs get matched with those P/P and stationary Deadeye gameplay thieves who wonder why we are down 300 points 5 minutes in.

This is 100 percent true, had a p/p in my last 2 games, he was perma dead , every 40 seconds, he did 0 plus 1 and no decaps, on my third game i got him on the enemy team, and ofc he was just dying, he left the game after 2 or 3 minutes, he realize was impossible for him to play.

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@Grimegg.1297 said:Does that surprise u? Have you seen Anet seriously taking care of things since vanilla gw2? They just slap more and more content with more grindy ugly legendaries and thats all. PoF won't be much different, but hey we'll have mounts right? Oh wait, sPvP...

its a pve game , everything else outside it, is automode, what happens.. happens.. never expect good changed for pvp game modes...

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