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  1. Don't worry it will be the spam buffer on gw3 if people keep asking
  2. Cheese working as intended, maybe game is meant for players to focus on cheese? And everything else is just cannon fodder.
  3. sounds like a reason to sell catmander tags... every one is a commander now and it carries the zerg even more!
  4. working as intended xD besides i would put my hand on fire and bet that Anet does not sees it as a bad thing, since is removes the staleness of some maps and "creates content" to cap back stuff lol.. Anet would only fix if is somehitng more like some invible wall that lost is colision effect like the one we had on red map garrison where players would just walk in from on sides of the pyramid zone. I would even bet Anet secretly hopes that once in a while that happens to avoid staleness of the map.
  5. sounds like u fixed wvw for yourself :D for now..
  6. just a weapon to be included on a necro/reaper rotation on zerg nothing more. /me evil thinking... so tags now will stop gaining boons when spikd with that???? >:) time to start commander spiking!!!!! Edit: actually doubt it will ever work well Anet as setted the spam boon to the point that this kind of skills endend just being noteciable when used by 20-30 players at the same time.
  7. Looks at other way... humm theres a perma all boons zerg ball being totally carried by boons against smaller groups.
  8. Also tracks pixeis and supply deppot and walls, posts lamps, stairs.. and underground pixeis... unreleable assault should be the name of the sword 3 skilll. Atack an enemy in pvp/wvw all atacks sometimes would fail since tracks way to many things and would not hit the target...lol Anet: Working as intended so my favourite classes can win.
  9. still better than revenant with a septer :) on the weapons release did a AA contest with a minstrell chrono with rifle to see who would die with just AA to each other minstrell chrono won easilly with almost permanent 20stack of confusion on me :P and his Hp kept @80% + So yah it could had been more silly xD
  10. if u won with a willbender over the scourge its the proof that scourge lacks and has space to severall buffs to become on pair with willbender. >:)
  11. RIP servers due server load....theres a limit why target cap cant be raised that easily actually it should be reduced in almost all aoe skills hahah 1st, and then increase in some skills even elementalist need a big aoe skills like blizards with slow condition and stuff like that meanwhile increase damage on some cleave and single skills to conpensate less aoe spam :)... but if they do that Anet would also boost more boons as well... its their logic of actions, booon bois boooooons. Removing downstate would be interesting could be changed to a harder mechanic as well maybe add specific skills to full dedicated to rez like we had on gw1 but they will never do that since this is a game to carry lamers. So far wvw has become so much 1 sided way more than before anyway at the end maybe it would not matter.. meh its being above stupidity.
  12. Revenant septer..... ment to be the rock of paper, the scizor of rock and the paper of scizors.
  13. Dont worry will be fixed with more boons spam and more players forced to leech celestial/minstrells boon bals. Anet devs are like flat earth believers try tell them they are thinking wrongly.. and u get more boons.
  14. Sounds like wvw working as intended.
  15. I was expecting that Scarlet could blow up the wvw maps (and the servers ._.) that would fix more the game than actually the dev's touching wvw and balance towards wvw.
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