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Guild Community?

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Being a Guild Leader is hard at times, with recruiting, trying to keep the Guild active and organized. So I'm wondering if there is a Community/Discord made up of guilds and thier Leaders both near and far small or large to share ideas and even help newer guilds. If not should I make one? This shouldn't be a Alliance but more of a social Community in a game that has focus on teamwork.

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I've seen a few of these pop up every now and again, they tend not to do that well. Established guilds have their own active voice servers. I know I don't really have much time to go into another voice channel myself. And there are enough people in my guild to keep me busy most of the time I'm playing .

For a lot of reasons this is a hard game to keep a guild going. It's like a juggling act. It's harder for new guilds because they tend to have less to offer. Therefore, the onus is on the leadership to make the guild fun, in competition with other guilds trying to do the same thing. I'll be happy to talk with anyone about anything, because that's how I am, but with voice it's hard, because I'm virtually always on voice with the guild or at least someone in the guild.

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As a guild leader, you are also a player. So just ask here.In general a few guidelines.1: question your motives to lead a guild. Why do you want it and do you think you qualify? A good leader does it out of love for his community and not for the position. One of the reasons starting guilds fails is cause the leader starts it on his/her own. First create a base of a community and be the one they want to lead. Planning to lead will likely not work on the long term.2: pay attention to the people who joined you before it was a guild, they are your most valuable members,3: leading means you are a slave. You have to please your members all the time. You need to keep them satisfied4: be unique. There are many guilds out there. Many have been around for years. Why do you offer your members more then the existing guilds have to offer?

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