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Dodgy Crowd Achievement Bug

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Being an achievement hunter, Dodgy Crowd is one of the more aggravating achievements I've come across. The goal is to get through the first part of the instance without dying (easy) and avoid all sand pools and wind walls during the fight with Togonn Windmane (a bit trickier). Following Dulfy's guide found here: http://dulfy.net/2014/12/03/gw2-seeds-of-truth-living-world-story-achievements-guide/, it's much easier to do with a friend doing the bulk of the damage against the boss while you spend most of your time making sure to avoid the key attacks. I tried to solo this one about twenty times before giving up and begging my husband to help me. On a daredevil, he was able to burn down the boss pretty quickly while I stayed out of harm's way - WOOT! Then we ran into a bug. It sounds like the achievement is supposed to pop once Togonn dies, however, we continued through to the end of the instance with it still showing that I qualify for the achievement but it doesn't automatically reward like it is supposed to. I'm not sure what triggers this bug, my only guess was that maybe I didn't get a hit in on Togonn (even though the achievement doesn't actually say that you need to kill him, just avoid two of his attacks). So we did another run a couple days later (because I was grumpy). I made sure to do a bit of damage, got to the end of the instance and it still showed as "Qualify for Dodgy Crowd" but doesn't reward.

I currently have a support ticket open to see if they're able to manually give me credit for the achievement, because I really don't want to keep beating my head against the wall hoping I get lucky since I don't know what's causing the problem in the first place. Attached is a screenshot I took at the end of the instance.https://drive.google.com/open?id=18J6GOaxAFe8b0RgHWzSGk8-L3cOw6ga7

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