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Ever Notice How Fancy Moves Hardly Ever Pay Off?


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This is why there is no more competitive scene with guild wars 2. It was getting better, then with the new trait system they started to break everything and started to balance things in a very one-dimensional way. The counters and everything that made sense and felt rewarding was quickly broken by bad design decisions.

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@K THEN.5162 said:Fighting an ele: dealt some damage, oh they healed back to 100% dealt some damage, oh they healed back to 100% dealt some damage, oh they healed back to 100% dealt some damage, oh they healed back to 100%...Fighting a mesmer: Some visual clutter here, a couple seizures there, lemme be invulnerable for 20+ seconds, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you're deadFighting a necromancer: Nice orange squares you got there...it would be a real shame if I gave you every single red box in the game @_@Fighting a thief: Evade, Evade, Evade, stealth spam, stealth spam, stealth spam, infinite gap closers, infinite gap closer, infinite gap closers, evade, evade... oh you actually hit me...short bow port, reset fight, repeatFighting an engi: Stealth, cc, massive damage, massive damage, massive damage, massive damage, massive damage, massive damage, massive damageFighting a ranger: CC pew, root, pew pew pew pew pew pew pew, 0 damage, 0 damage, heal back to full, heal back to full, stealth, ancestral grace...fight resetFighting a guardian: Block, block, health back to full, block, block, invul, invul, has every boon in the game, blocks you on facebook, blocks you on instagram, heal back to full, give up, watch them afk at midFighting a rev (in WvW): Running, running, running, dead...looks at combat log...20k Coalescence of RuinFighting a warrior: Block, block, block, evade, evade, 0 damage, 0 damage, 0 damage, passive healing negating my damage, evade, evade, block, block, get cced, massive damage, massive damage, massive damage, and you're dead gg gf

  • Moral of the story, all classes are oppressive in their own special way

Yessss! hahahaha You couldn't have said it better with about 95% of the people in ranked. Most people even the self proclaimed "top" of the cheaterboard people that feel they are gods of a computer game play cheese builds. Why actually make a build where you have a melee and a ranged and fight it out legit when you can have 100 ways to block damage or avoid it and 50 ways to do damage while or in-between avoiding being hit. I love being a away from the copy paste builds or "meta". Rolling in pvp you can tell people just go online and copy the next "best" build off a single website. It's fun to know what the main 2 builds of every single spec is and still beat 90% of them with your own build.

CC and condition wars 2 is still here and sadly update #2 to "fix" the spammy spam spam issue of gw2 has not be fixed yet. Even as a scourge i can go spammy spam spam if i want to but that is what 3 year olds do is slam their face into the keyboard and roll it around across it. It's nice of them to let the special needs kids play with simple spammy spam builds or a #5 bow teef running just to decap because he can't 1v1 a paper bag. I'll stick to unranked where it's fun while the "top" (lol) players circle eachother and play with one another. Spam wars 2 has been here sin HoT and has yet to be fixed because games don't sell unless a kid can come on and key smash to victory. Still playing a zzzZZZzzzZZZ game mode of fighting invisible circles after 5+ years (yay circlequest). Wow...

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