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New Player LF Group/Friends


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Hey all! Been playing GW2 for about a week now, but am no stranger to RPGs. Seems like the guilds in this game are tough on their members, from what I've seen so far. Like, they only accept level 80 experienced players, and will kick you out if you don't play for a day. So, I guess I'm looking for perhaps other new players to level grind with or a guild that isn't too harsh on their members... or just people to hang out with! Always looking for new friends!Discord: Kit Kat#6460 - this is the easiest way to contact me.Thanks!

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@"Kaylaena.6257" said:Hi there! You may be interested in our little band; we have a number of returning players digging into the game. I'm around most of the weekend and weekdays after 6est if you'd like to chat :] https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/26988/kingsguard-kg-na-darkhaven#latest

Just read up on that, sounds awesome! And I think I joined Darkhaven when I started.. sounds familiar lol! Didn't see your Discord link though? I could just be stupid lol.

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sound like you received some tough love there! lol. i don't think i've known any guild that only accept max level players, sound quite elitist. but a lot of guilds tend to kick inactive players after specific time since they need active faces to run/hold events, as well as upgrading the hall to its max.our guild is quite casual, to the point it's scary sometimes. but we're mostly active after reset, aka after 7pm CST until late.various events happening during week nights. hp train, fractal trainings and some other achieves are on the weekend/Sunday.you haven't stated what region you're from, NA, or EU so i wasn't sure. lol. since NA and EU players can't play together.but if your prime time fits us, feel free to take a look. https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/comments/7u0gj4/napvxintense_pleasure_mmm_chill_guild_lfm/

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