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Ley-Energy Matter Converter inconsitency


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I have this Ley-Energy Matter Converter thing, and when I double-click it, a merchant window appears that will let me choose on the first tab between some keys from the HoT maps, a machete, a vial of Chak acid, an exalted key or a pact crowbar.The thing here is, if I choose the chak acid, I will get it immediately, but if I choose the pact crowbar, I am asked if I am really sure. Why this inconsitency?


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Yea, I report bugs like these, but anet doesn’t fix them.So I just ignore minor bugs like these now.

Its just the pact crowbar that asks if you’re sure.I like to believe that because the crowbars are so easy to amass in large quantities anet is more like“You sure you want this common key?”

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