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Engineer + Turtle banner Boonshare Overlord :-)


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Spec.Inventions 1-3-1Alchemy 2-1-2Scrapper go with preference,What the turtle banner does is the 1 skill you spam gives protection which via, Inventions Anticorrosive plating and Alchemys comeback cure and purity of purpose this magical thing happens.1, you spam boons as you remove conditions and apply regeneration every condi you remove.In essence you are now a uber boonshare anti scourge walking buffbot. effect can hit 10 allies. Viola' the condi meta is killed by the Engineer.Basically every 1/4 second you cleanse 1 condition from a player "up to 10 players" and give them a boon + protection and regeneration.And Durability runes every 20 seconds can do it once also, shield abilities also and elixer gun and reconstruction field from the medic gyro spams condi removal.

Drawback, it's pistol/shield so low dps but really great for making a scourge obsolete.

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I made a holosmith version of this.Not particular for WvW just a tanky holosmith with protection spam, anticorrosive plating and purity of purpose.Sw/Sh gives more dmg and holo mode more CC and burst.I use traited turrets with water turret and thunder turret. Together with hard light arena and the light bubble stunbreak its near impossible to kill you with condis and you can face tank while doing reasonable dmg.I use the blasting module for easier rotation and the burning dmg after overheating is pretty much non existent and gives me aegis.With configuration eclipse, light density amplifier and semi marauder gear its a blast to play.

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