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What is up with the irregular capitalization in set bonuses?

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I see it all the time where sometimes words are capitalized, other times they are not. For example: Superior Runes of Divinity -- if you have 6/6, they all read "+n to All Stats" except the two-piece bonus, which reads "+10 to all stats" without any letters capitalized. ANet, hire me to copyedit things in game for you.

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I'm all in favor of more consistent copy-editing, but those are by far more minor concerns to me. There are still plenty of items that have no use outside a collection that don't say so. There's not much consistency into whether reward drops salvage or not, whether they have a vendor value (and whether it's substantive or nominal), which items of the same sort can be forged, and so on.

Over the years, players have made lists of some/many/all of these (depending on circumstances). And sometimes this actually results in changes.

The problem is that any change, including "simple text" updates require vetting. And double-checking translations. And there are tons of other things (mostly more relevant to more players) that also need to get done.

In short, yes, it would be great to see more consistency. There's simply not enough people to ensure that it happens in a timely fashion.

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