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If there was something you could change about revenant class what would it be?


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From a PvE / WvW standpoint (I don't play PvP much):1 - Legends with additional skills that we can swap in/out. Ex: Glint Elite has a choice of pulsing protection or one for pulsing stability.1b - Or maybe some global "core" skills we can swap in/out with any legend. Ex: New swap-able elite: Restore 50 energy.2 - Greatsword (Power weapon) w/ aoe and mobility skills like Guard & War. (I'm scared if we do get GS it will be terrible compared to war/guard.)3 - Remove target requirement from phase travel / sword 5.4 - Better sustain! - I wish my favorite class was up there with other classes at being top tier for something. Revs have great burst but not good enough against any class with any sustain... PvE as well.

I know this is all wishful thinking though.

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Energy revamp.

My idea would be something like this:Instead of resetting energy to 50, swapping legends(in combat) should add to the current pool. IE 30nrg > swap >80nrg. Any overflow should go into legend specific themes. IE start in glint, do some stuff. 60nrg > swap to Jalis >100nrg + 10nrg overflow. Convert that extra into a Barrier formula.

Jalis overflow = Barrier/Retaliation(?)Shiro overflow = Quickness/Endurance(?)Glint overflow = Protection(?)Ventari overflow = AOE healMallyx overflow = AOE Torment/ResistanceRenegade overflow = Alacrity(?)/Fervor(lol)

My reasoning is energy management always feels like you're being "robbed" when you swap above 50nrg, especially after the removal of Equilibrium.

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@"Set.7461" said:Energy revamp.

My idea would be something like this:Instead of resetting energy to 50, swapping legends(in combat) should add to the current pool. IE 30nrg > swap >80nrg. Any overflow should go into legend specific themes. IE start in glint, do some stuff. 60nrg > swap to Jalis >100nrg + 10nrg overflow. Convert that extra into a Barrier formula.

Jalis overflow = Barrier/Retaliation(?)Shiro overflow = Quickness/Endurance(?)Glint overflow = Protection(?)Ventari overflow = AOE healMallyx overflow = AOE Torment/ResistanceRenegade overflow = Alacrity(?)/Fervor(lol)

My reasoning is energy management always feels like you're being "robbed" when you swap above 50nrg, especially after the removal of Equilibrium.

So basically:You would be a support/healer revenant? how does that hold up in fractals/raids/open world events currently?

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Support? I was thinking more along the lines of selfishness but I suppose it can also be support. My idea is just making use of wasted energy. You legend swap at 50nrg or above, you just wasted energy. EQ made use of this but it only themed around damage. My idea is like a legend specific Equilibrium(like spirit boon) but with the reset mechanic replace with a +50nrg addition instead.

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@"Axl.8924" said:set so like necro selfishness? so its self buffs only?

That's open for discussion. Self or AOE depending on balancing or whatever. The main thing is pretty much the +50 energy on top of current energy rather than reset. The "overflow" turning into buffs just follows that theme of not feeling like you're wasting energy during a swap.

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I agree that it could be overpowered. If anything, having these boons apply to yourself and making it AOE in some of the grandmaster traits would push for better energy management as well as build diversity. Lack of build diversity is also something Revs suffer from.

For example: Jalis overflow is now an AOE if you choose the very mediocre "Steadfast Rejuvenation" GM trait. Of course, in PVP/WVW, there will be times where you won't get an overflow proc so it's not necessarily spammable but the playstyle is still there for a more hybrid/support role.

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