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Dagger is garbage Please please Anet buff/rework the thing


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1) Its rotation is boring, its just autoing even in pve you barely even use the skill 3 its 11111111,2,11111111 such great gameplay.....2) in pvp due to its low power scaleing and weak utility it has zero burst potential. dont belive me show mes some actual good dagger gameplay3) every other elite spec weapon from pof has better power scaling and either CC or a shadowstep4) Due to our last nonexsistent balance pass, i guess that means maybe in 6months I might have a reason to run dagger5) Its sad when our core ranger weapons have better synergy with soul beast then our own spec weapon6) It dosnt even have any unique animations, it just feels lazy and unpolished

Please balance team if you do read these posts just say hey we want dagger to be a pve only boring auto weapon. I dunno its just so bad, it syas something when your better off taking sword a power weapon for a condi build

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The 3 is really a nice skill to close in on mobs an unleash heavy dmg with axe 5 or torch 5.Id say the catch here is the missing utility and flavor of dagger 2.Its just a pumped up version of the AA.Id say give it heavy poison application instead if bleeds and give the pet a daze instead if poison. So you would atleast have synergy with twice as vicious and predators cunning.

3 itself could use an evade, so you dont die while closing in.

OH dagger could use some improvements too. I would just smash on some charges with ammunition mechanic and make all skills cleave atleast 3 targets.So stalker strike gets 2 charges and hits multiple targtets and crippling talon gets 3 charges and hits 3.

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:The 3 is really a nice skill to close in on mobs an unleash heavy dmg with axe 5 or torch 5.Id say the catch here is the missing utility and flavor of dagger 2.Its just a pumped up version of the AA.Id say give it heavy poison application instead if bleeds and give the pet a daze instead if poison. So you would atleast have synergy with twice as vicious and predators cunning.

3 itself could use an evade, so you dont die while closing in.

OH dagger could use some improvements too. I would just smash on some charges with ammunition mechanic and make all skills cleave atleast 3 targets.So stalker strike gets 2 charges and hits multiple targtets and crippling talon gets 3 charges and hits 3.

Actually really like those suggestions the other thing that I'm thinking about, is if the posion part was on the first auto attack, for example if you were to switch seprant strike with groundwork, you would actually be able to get some hits off

The PVP world you need to hop in get your combo/and hop out either cuase they'll invulne/resistance or you get cced/aoed

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I'm on the end of moving Deadly Delivery from the auto chain and replacing Double Arc with it (in name and animation only). The auto becomes a quick and dirty 3-hit chain and the new 2 skill of Deadly Delivery can retain Double Arc's function, but toss in a bonus damage modifier for striking a foe already poisoned and a short daze.

Have that, and maybe chaining Instinctive Engage to skill 2 would be worthwhile with quickness to land a daze. Bonus damage for striking a poisoned foe so there's some extra power to go off there.

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@ProtoMarcus.7649 said:Main hand dagger is okay in terms of damage but its the only thing it has, no utility...

  • Double Arc [2] - Add a 0.5s Evade Frame
  • Instinctive Engage [3] - Add a micro 0.25s daze for interupt and add synergy with Twice as Vicious trait

Id swap your suggestions though. Daze on double arc and the evade on instinctive engage.

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