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Returning Player [Desolation]

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So the sub-reddit has been almost zero help with returning player information and I just need a general direction on what to be doing to progress in gw2.

I played the game around 3-4 years ago, I would love to have a guild I can settle in to get me on my two feet and help me with getting my head around the meta with both pve and pvp.

My goal is to pve a lot to round up gold and gear a pve char and pvp char (eventually), I'm reallllly struggling with what to class to play for now in pve (a class that is both useful and chill to grind with).

Any help is appreciated,thanks for reading!

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It seems like the first thing you'd want to do is focus on a profession before grinding out levels and jumping into pve content. All of the professions have their pros and cons. It's really about what playstyle you prefer. Since you arent a new player than suggesting something like necromancer or ranger because they are easy to level would be silly. If you have more specifics on what kinda of skills and or weapon types you want feel free to post.

While I am not a fan of the meta, you can see raid builds on snowcrows site , and pve / pvp builds on metabattle. links below.


Guilds are easy to find. If you stay in town long enough youll see them advertising in map chat their guild hall level, content focus, WvW world and sometimes even how many members it has.

Welcome back to Tyria and good luck!

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Thanks for the reply, the information has been helpful.

I decided to create a thief, really loving the look of deadeye.Problem is, I have no idea how good the pve of the class is, i played warrior and ele to lvl 80, but that button mashing on ele is just boring imo even with that crazy dps, and warrior is pretty boring, same goes for guardian.Thanks for the information!

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First thing to know: you don't have to level or gear a character to play PvP. All characters in PvP are automatically level 80 with all skills and traits unlocked, and all equipment is level 80 exotic, even if it's actually a level 1 white weapon (or a level 80 legendary). So you can jump into PvP right away if you want to.

As for a profession my advice would be to experiment with a few different ones and pick the one you find most interesting - there's no point playing what someone else tells you is good if you get bored doing it and don't want to keep going. I'm surprised you didn't like warrior or ele though, they're at opposite ends of the spectrum on how complicated they are to play - ele has the most skills available at once (along with engineer) and warrior has one of the least because their profession mechanic is just 1 button.

But you might like thief since that's not as simple as some but the complexity comes from knowing which skill to use when, rather than having lots available. Or Necromancer. People say it's easy because they have very high health and can use minions to draw aggro, but it can also be quite complicated to play, depending on how you do it.

Finally my advice would be don't rush though PvE. There's no need to grind levels or look for ways to skip through the content because there's very little you can do at level 80 that you can't do earlier on and the stuff that is restricted is also intentionally harder. It's better to play at your own pace and learn the game and your character than rush through it and end up lost or frustrated because you don't know how to find the 'end game' content you've been rushing to or you're not able to complete it because you don't know how to play your character and over-leveling it or grinding out better gear doesn't help like it does in other games.

(But if you do find you're leveling too slowly at any point you could switch to PvP for a bit - you'll get Tomes of Knowledge from the reward tracks which each give 1 level. So you can use those to speed things up a bit if you want to.)

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In terms of grinding out gold, the end game is the cosmetics for me and the legendary weapon which is a complete contrast to what I was grinding for in black desert online where grinding gear is the goal (and freaking painful, gaining stats for me could take 2-3 months even for a small increase in damage with 7+ hours a day).Going to realllly take my time with gw2 and just enjoy it like I once did, and will do so on thief whilst learning the skills individually, glad the pvp is instantaneous (really dont remember this being a thing).Thanks for the advice!

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