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At what rank pistol spam thieves start to drop off?


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I am not that great player myself so I never been in plat or above. But up until mid to upper gold multiple variations of pistol/pistol spammers is most thieves I see. Now granted that since I am playing a thief myself, I know fairly well some glaring weaknesses of this build (or builds rather) and I go into 1v1 with good confidence (not always winning though, thats what happens when you get stunned with a stunbreak on recharge or smth). But it pains me to see how often my teammates ignore such thief in a teamfight and just allow him to orbit around and spam unloads. It also pains me to see how far can you go with only spamming F1-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3-3 and so on. So Im just wondering for my own peace of mind. At what rank/level those buggers finally start to drop off by being countered properly?

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Sorry, meant to type a real response and got distracted.

The full response is, they don’t. The top may have fewer of them but if you run into one who legitimately plays thief at platinum rank then it will be a massacre.

While most good thieves run S/D or D/P as flavor of the week there are people who run so-called off meta builds. P/P is one of those. So is P/D. Those builds if you encounter them require competent play and can’t be easily “countered” as much as people might think.

So when I say “when you start to see P/D” means when you reach a point where people play around the meta as much as in it. If you’re looking for a number that is probably platinum 1600+.

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