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Mid-level bag-opening alt - which bags should I be opening?


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I'm starting to get into RIBA Silverwastes farm, and I've heard I need a mid level alt (according to this chart it looks like sweet spot is currently 54-57) to open the bags to make it really worth my while. I've also heard the sweet spot fluctuates - what's a safe level for me to keep my alt at?

I only have so many character slots, and was considering using my alt to double as a sPvP character, since level doesn't matter there. Would I be missing out on PvP rewards if I was winning them with a non-80 character? Can I open the reward track loot boxes on the underleveled alt without missing out monetarily? Or should I be transferring them to an 80 character?

While I'm at it, should I be saving all my Palawadan Phylactery champ bags to open on the mid-level alt? What about bags from AB meta?


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Short version: champion bags drop gear per the level of the character opening them and still drop T6 "fine" materials (e.g. Powerful Blood). Similarly, bags labeled "gear" also drop character-level gear, with the sole exception of unidentified gear bags (that always drop L80 gear, regardless of the opener). Also, loot boxes from PvP and WvW reward tracks also drop level-appropriate gear.

The sweet spot changes frequently. The "safest" choice in my opinion is L53, because it's nearly always within 2-4% of the maximum estimate. But as long as your "opener" is between L25 & L59, the value of the salvaged gear will be at least 20-80% more than if you use an L80 as an opener. The worst opener within that range is always substantially better than L80, even taking into account rares & exotics.

If you're unsure, open just one bag using the mid-tier toon and see what you get. If you get L80 gear, then no need to open the rest.

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Well put. Personally I just hoard all the bag types (Black\Red purses, green bag of gear and Seed thingies) in my bank and open them all on a lvl 53 alt for convenience.

The only exception are the rare bag of gear that drops a level-appropriate rare - always open these on my lvl 80 because of ecto-salvage.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:Well put.Thanks. :)

Personally I just hoard all the bag types (Black\Red purses, green bag of gear and Seed thingies) in my bank and open them all on a lvl 53 alt for convenience.

This following is more an FYI to others (since I am pretty sure @Oglaf.1074 knows it already.)Unidentified gear is best opened on an L80, because it's easier to boost your MF: ~80% from items & food and 150-200% from Silverwastes events are available to only L80. (Of course, selling those on TP is also viable, especially if you don't want to have to maintain the buffs.)

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