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Minimum stunbreaks for wvw roaming?


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Until Elusive Mind gets it's stunbreak "balanced", that's pretty much all you need, and Blink.

For non-mirages, Signet of Midnight is now superior to Decoy.

This is actually a joke when people say mesmers have so many stunbreak abilities - actually there are only a few. Mirror Images is not great since losing IC for cooldown, although it's ok with Chrono because you can shorten it with alacrity. Mantra is more of a group thing - I wouldn't use it for roaming.

It surprises me when thinking about it that that is all the stunbreak skills we have - nothing else. So all that whining about Elusive Mind is kind of ignorant in a way - yes it's too powerful having stunbreak every ~5s, but at least it allows us to use different utilities rather than as eldenbri said be stuck with the extremely boring Blink+Decoy everyone had to run in the past (meaning one free slot which in pvp had to be portal and in wvw was usually condi cleanse...). EM does allow some variety in utility skill choice which is why I hope the devs see this and balance accordingly.

Oh and I would never give up blink - that skill is permanently attached to my skill bar.

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Thx folks! I'm only playing Chrono. For some reason, I totally suck at Mirage, so EM is not an option for me

I've been experimenting with a build that has 50% boon duration and a pretty high amount of quickness, so charging Mantra of Concentration is not that painful. I know that it gives Stability to others, but as a pure stunbreak option, the mantra is interesting. But it's hard to compete with Blink for a spot on the bar...

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@eldenbri.1059 said:Thx folks! I'm only playing Chrono. For some reason, I totally suck at Mirage, so EM is not an option for me

I've been experimenting with a build that has 50% boon duration and a pretty high amount of quickness, so charging Mantra of Concentration is not that painful. I know that it gives Stability to others, but as a pure stunbreak option, the mantra is interesting. But it's hard to compete with Blink for a spot on the bar...

I've been playing mirage without stunbreaks at all, just covering with mirage cloak. I know that doesn't help much , but comparatively speaking, I think blink with the new alacrity trait would be just right.

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