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[Video] WvW/ PvP Matchup-Duel Guide 1 - Holosmith vs Powermirage


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As promised the first matchup-duelling guide. Holosmith engineer vs power mirage mesmer. All duels happened before the 02/06/2018 balance patch, but that doesnt matter. My mirage build didnt change much anyway and the engi only has one less dodge mine from the trait after that patch.

At start there is one longer writing and in the first 2 duels there are alot of written hints, you maybe need to stop or slow down the video at these points to read it all. after that there is only a decent amount of writings, means not too much anymore. ;) sadly my sound equipment is still too bad for a voice commentary, sry for that!

Because there will be a bigger balance patch soon we dont know everything about, this guide stays with the basics which most likely will not change with the patch. already known changes i tried to include here already. If there will be a lot of stuff different after patch i will make an additional guide with all the new stuff after patch. But for now i hope this one will help already.

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