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Is Soulbeast Ready for "Prime Time"


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Bear with me, folks: I left the game right when HoT came out, and I'm just starting back up. There is a lot going on that I'm still figuring out. Feel free to educate me. Gently.

When I loaded up my day-1 Ranger main the first time after coming back a couple weeks ago, I was intrigued by the Soulbeast that was now available. Pet AI always seems a bit wonky, especially in WvW, the way they would roll around in the red circles until they died. Over and over. The idea of having all the pet-ty goodness without the hassle of having to manage them seemed awesome.

But when I tried to put a build together, I realized that many choice traits seemed to be built around the pet-swap mechanic. Some of them got Soulbeast updates, but not all of them. So, if I understand the mechanic correctly, unless you don't mind having traits that don't do anything, you're supposed to drop in and out of "beast-mode", swapping pets, and firing off your new skills. I'll admit I'm not the most "l33t" player in the game, but that seems waaaay too fiddly to make for a fun play style.

Is this specialization really intended for the sort of person that doesn't mind an additional mechanic to manage (plus the new controllable skills) rather than someone who just wanted a slick new play-style? Or have they just not worked the kinks out, yet? And, if the latter, are they planning to?

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@"GreyFreeman.2516" said:So, if I understand the mechanic correctly, unless you don't mind having traits that don't do anything, you're supposed to drop in and out of "beast-mode", swapping pets, and firing off your new skills. I'll admit I'm not the most "l33t" player in the game, but that seems waaaay too fiddly to make for a fun play style.

You understand 100% correctly. It has been talked many times in the ranger forum. Yes, most of players wish we could do something with the pet swap, which is one of ranger main mechanic. Right now, I think we have to accept it's how it is. I don't think there are any intentions from PvP dev to change Beastmode.

Is this specialization really intended for the sort of person that doesn't mind an additional mechanic to manage (plus the new controllable skills) rather than someone who just wanted a slick new play-style? Or have they just not worked the kinks out, yet? And, if the latter, are they planning to?

Soulbeast has not been revisited since launch, beside some coefficient buff. I think Pet Swap in Beastmode would make Soulbeast a very fluid spec.

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For me, not being a min/maxer, the only thing I care about is how well/fast I can clear content. Soulbeast works well for me, compared to most other professions, and I've tried them all. I find myself killing fast enough, and I find the gameplay enjoyable. It's entirely possible that I'm not using every trait to it's full benefit, but hasn't stopped me from enjoying the profession.

In full vipers, I feel like I'm pretty OP, regardless of specific limitations. That's all I really care about.

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@"GreyFreeman.2516" said:Bear with me, folks: I left the game right when HoT came out, and I'm just starting back up. There is a lot going on that I'm still figuring out. Feel free to educate me. Gently.

When I loaded up my day-1 Ranger main the first time after coming back a couple weeks ago, I was intrigued by the Soulbeast that was now available. Pet AI always seems a bit wonky, especially in WvW, the way they would roll around in the red circles until they died. Over and over. The idea of having all the pet-ty goodness without the hassle of having to manage them seemed awesome.

But when I tried to put a build together, I realized that many choice traits seemed to be built around the pet-swap mechanic. Some of them got Soulbeast updates, but not all of them. So, if I understand the mechanic correctly, unless you don't mind having traits that don't do anything, you're supposed to drop in and out of "beast-mode", swapping pets, and firing off your new skills. I'll admit I'm not the most "l33t" player in the game, but that seems waaaay too fiddly to make for a fun play style.

Is this specialization really intended for the sort of person that doesn't mind an additional mechanic to manage (plus the new controllable skills) rather than someone who just wanted a slick new play-style? Or have they just not worked the kinks out, yet? And, if the latter, are they planning to?

For WvW and sPVP Soulbeast is very good. In sPVP is not in meta, but still you can manage to play well. In WvW for roaming I can say is one of the best class/specialization.The main problem is that you must know when to go in beastmode, when to get out from beastmode, change the pet etc ... and all of these must be done regarding those 10 sec CD after you in or out from Beastmode. Also you mut keep in mind that if your pet die, if you don't want to have 1 min CD till you can use him again, you must go in beastmode and your pet will be rdy/alive after 10sec when you will get out from beastmode. Otherwise, if after your pet die you just swap pet, your died pet will be available only after 1 min. You must learn the mechanic and you must get used with it.Regarding pet swap in beastmode, like @Krispera.5087 said there are many rangers who want this .... personal I don't want or I can say I don't think will be a good idea because this could make us a little bit too OP.

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I am loving my soulbeast.. more survivability and kill ability than anything I have played in the past five years. Not as fun as an Elementalist, but with how bad my Weaver dies now its nice not dying. I use this build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNUQNAV4fnE8C1sglrAerAUtgFHBjJAM5qcNfrYVRLv4ucnuTIF-jxhDQB9QJWJ0NkAlgAwEHK3fgGq/MElHAA-e and I base my attack around this post . https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/13363/condition-soulbeast-pve-high-damage-efficient-and-fun-build#latest. And like that post I only use dagger on tougher bosses, veterans and champions for the extra condition stacking, even though I originally went soul beast to run dagger/dagger.

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@GreyFreeman.2516 said:Is this specialization really intended for the sort of person that doesn't mind an additional mechanic to manage (plus the new controllable skills) rather than someone who just wanted a slick new play-style? Or have they just not worked the kinks out, yet? And, if the latter, are they planning to?

It's hard to say what was the exact design intention of the Soulbeast, but I would argue that the Soulbeast accommodates for both a more casual playstyle, as well as one for the min-maxer. For starters, Soulbeasts give more casual Ranger players a reprieve from having to manage their pets--something I've noticed many still struggle with to this day--while at the same time, more dedicated players can weave in and out of Beast Mode, swap pets, and so on, allowing for gameplay with more depth.

All that said, my experience is mainly from PVE and T4 Fractals. The fluidity and pace of gameplay in WvW (zerg or roaming) and sPVP will definitely affect your perception of the specialization.

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You could make the most of it by staying in beastmode the entire time, but when it comes to squeezing everything swapping in and out will help that. I would have preferred it was something that allowed you to stay in beastmode the entire time but it's still manageable to play that was.

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Sometimes I really wonder if some of you in this forum actually play soulbeast or if you’re just caught in some sort of feedback loop that dates back to when they finally revealed how the elite world really work.

Soulbeast - as it is now - is incredibly fun, powerful, and versatile. Condi soulbeast is unquestionably part of the current meta, and though it has some issues, the whole swapping in and out of pet mode really isn’t one of them.

Seriously, get over it. Move on.

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@"Hawken.7932" said:Sometimes I really wonder if some of you in this forum actually play soulbeast or if you’re just caught in some sort of feedback loop that dates back to when they finally revealed how the elite world really work....Seriously, get over it. Move on.

Not sure who you were aiming that it. Since most of the replies to this post say Soulbeast is fine, I'm going to guess it's me. If so, the whole "feedback loop that dates back" line doesn't really fit, since I said in the OP I've been gone since before the specialization existed. That said, I'm glad you think it's fun.

Seriously, get over it. Move on.

Just so you know, I'm pretty sure no one has ever found that comment, or sentiment, to be helpful. If that was even the intent.

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