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Opening strike as a mechanic.


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I think we can all acknowledge that this needs some serious work. But rather than ask for major changes, I'll just suggest adding gain opening strike on weapon swap into the first minor trait. It still fits thematically as it is your opening attack on the new weapon. Probably still needs some buffs in addition to that but at the very least it would make it not be a one off. Perhaps add the damage increase from remorseless into precise strike and make change remorseless to give opening strike to 5 allies when you gain it and gaining opening strike grants 5 might which would give ranger some offensive party support.

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@"Zuko.7132" said:I think we can all acknowledge that this needs some serious work. But rather than ask for major changes, I'll just suggest adding gain opening strike on weapon swap into the first minor trait. It still fits thematically as it is your opening attack on the new weapon. Probably still needs some buffs in addition to that but at the very least it would make it not be a one off. Perhaps add the damage increase from remorseless into precise strike and make change remorseless to give opening strike to 5 allies when you gain it and gaining opening strike grants 5 might which would give ranger some offensive party support.

Ranger has already huge party support with druid and spirits. And soulbeast too.Wondrouswall once made a good suggestion how to change OS.

Personally i would like to see every core specialization line of Ranger to have a "Preperation" included, which either gives boons, applies conditions or has other effects when entering combat and of course some traits that interact with all "preperation" skills and refresh them.

I will make a full on concept thread about it later, when i thought all of them through.

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