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WvW - Game starts to bug out after a couple hours.

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I'm sure this has been reported by now, but can't find a topic for it. It's been an issue for me for a couple months now since a few patches back, and I know of others starting to get. It's all fixed if you log out completely of the game, but being it's in wvw and there's queues to deal with, it just sucks having to do so, if it's a known issue that's fixable I'd like to know.

After a few hours(2-3) of playing in wvw a few things tend to happen.

  1. Weapons go invisible.
  2. Npcs are invisible.
  3. Back pack goes invisible.
  4. Longer load times when you waypoint, like up to 1-2mins of loading.
  5. Sound effects start to disappear.
  6. Character goes invisible if you use a tonic and leave the form during this time.
  7. All things that go invisible are still seen by others.


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Sounds like you have some corrupt files have you tried doing a repair?Right click your shortcut"D:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe"you want to change it to"D:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe" -repair

ofcourse yours might not say d:\games its were ever you got it installed.

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Happens to me too, and what is worse, e.g. in camps NPCs seems to stay on their positions while I attack them, although they apparently move around (what I see on popping damage numbers). Very bad if you use AOEs on their „position“, when they aren't there anymore.

But that was "fixed" with the last patch, when they nerfed my necro one more time to make solo roaming worse and less fun again to let me quit the game for now a week.

(Mac Client)

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@"Linken.6345" said:Sounds like you have some corrupt files have you tried doing a repair?Right click your shortcut"D:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe"you want to change it to"D:\Games\Guild Wars 2\Gw2-64.exe" -repair

ofcourse yours might not say d:\games its were ever you got it installed.

Couple weeks ago I had done a delete everything but the dat and exe files in the gw2 folder, and ran repair a couple times, didn't fix the issue.Have a friend who experienced the same things tonight and they have a better system than I do. So checking if this is showing up for others, if it's game related like graphic settings?, hardware related?, memory leak?, etc. My drivers are up to date, I know that's the next question XD

@Galmac.4680 yeah I've seen that happening too but only just one night that I can remember, I was probably on for like 6+ hours that day, where the npcs were not in the spot I was attacking, it was like a bad case of lag.

Thanks for the response guys.

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