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Would be OP to have ranger’s Empathic bond trait same as pve version?


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Empathic bond is a trait which shares the condi duration applied to the ranger with the pet if that pet is alive and compite in the same spot with the trait wilderness survival (the trait which apply cleanses to survival skills)

In pve that percentage is 50% while in wvw is just 20% which is proven to be not good at all as nobody uses this trait.

Do you think would be op to have this trait unsplit so it works the same in wvw than in pve?

If that so, why and how could we improve the trait so it can compete with the other traits are in the same spot?

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Let’s see, Druid with empathic bond, melandru runes and saffron bread could reduce condition durations to 32% of what they should be if the PvE version was put into WvW and that’s assuming that -condition duration isn’t stacking additively.

So a 20s bleed would become a 6.4s bleed, 2s immobilise would barely last half a second. I actually experimented with ele and the new water signet with antitoxin runes, saffron bread and geomancers training and you get the same reduction to movement impairing conditions as empathic bond would give in PvE with the above items. Control conditions just fell off you, immobilise never really appeared and was a minor inconvenience, chill and cripple were more noticeable but disappeared quickly too. In a Zerg you couldn’t rely on this but for roaming and small groups this would be insane. Imagine if you could passively reduce all direct damage taken by 68%?

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@apharma.3741 said:Let’s see, Druid with empathic bond, melandru runes and saffron bread could reduce condition durations to 32% of what they should be if the PvE version was put into WvW and that’s assuming that -condition duration isn’t stacking additively.

It does stack additively. But if someone has +50% (means they have 150% condi duration) then you just substract your -condi duration from his (-95% with the pve trait+runes+food). In this case it would come out as 55% so they would do around half the condi duration than the original from the skill.

But against people without any condi duration (most power specs) you would be immune.

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@vaxjani.9073 said:

@apharma.3741 said:Let’s see, Druid with empathic bond, melandru runes and saffron bread could reduce condition durations to 32% of what they should be if the PvE version was put into WvW and that’s assuming that -condition duration isn’t stacking additively.

It does stack additively. But if someone has +50% (means they have 150% condi duration) then you just substract your -condi duration from his (-95% with the pve trait+runes+food). In this case it would come out as 55% so they would do around half the condi duration than the original from the skill.

But against people without any condi duration (most power specs) you would be immune.

Yeah I wasn’t sure how -condition duration effects stacked, if it is additively then you would be practically immune to conditions without someone investing in expertise as you said.

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