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Can we PLEASE have map bonus reward potions instead of scraps of xp?

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@Bolero Bloodreign.9025 said:

@"Devildoc.6721" said:I've asked about replacing the scraps of xp "reward" for Daily Achievements in PVE multiple times.. but didn't really have a suggestion of what to replace it with

What about gold? Everyone seems to want and need gold. One gold for every 5 or 10 bars of experience completed. That's one way to get people to play more. Hope ANet is reading this. ;)

Well, whichever three dailies we do whether pvp, wvw, or pve, they all result in getting a little gold so that's taken care of. this map bonus thing I think fits more with the theme of each playstyle having independent reward tracks that completing dailies in gives you some extra progress towards those tracks. You can always sell the materials for gold. T6 bloods, charged lodestones, there's a little coin to be made off the reward tracks.

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