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Swoop is bugged on owl for soulbeast


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Ive been running owl recently for roaming /pvp. I noticed that the swoop ability while in beastmode occasionally bugs. At the end of the swoop, instead of continuing forward, the character is flipped toward the left/right side. It doesnt happen every time (about 20% id say from observing). Also not that big of a bug, but when trying to kite in outnumbered fights in can make a big difference being flipped the wrong way. Trying to combo it with lighting reflexes sends me the opposite way back into the people chasing. Just thought I would bring this to attention.

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Yea noticed it too, sadly I think it’s never getting fixed because the whole balance team needs about 2 more years to rework thief & mesmer because of favoritism. Like read last balance patch notes and ask yourself: howmuch did actually change for my class? Barely anything mate, its been like that for multiple patches now and will remain so. Meanwhile the huge buglist that exists (and has for years) remains unseen/unnoticed/ignored by the Anet eye. Seriously, unless ranger gets a bug that makes them immortal gods oneshotting every other class while being invuln, unless that happens, don’t expect bugfixes :)

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But ye kudos for posting & trying to help. You can also report these bugs ingame but honestly you might just wanna play another class if this kind of bug already makes you post on these forums ;) you’re gonna find way more, post way more & lose a lot more faith of anything changing while other classes just spam 1-2 buttons to be ‘meta’.

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Yeah I posted about this as well a little while ago. Unfortunately nothing has been done. It seems like a minor issue on paper but it has on numerous occasions been the reason for my death. I have since moved my computer to a different part of my house to improve my connection and it happens significantly less for me. I do think it has to do with them breaking up the skill into 2 or 3 segments. It's that last segment--the actual damaging portion--that seems to be the issue.

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