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How to build firebrand?

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Sinister or Grieving sets are good if you want to remain ranged by relying on the scepter's high attack rate to proc Virtue of Justice passive more often, while Viper allows you more flexibility with your rune choices, as well as give your axe skills more weight.

In other words, these three sets are all good choices for the build you're looking for.

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Generally, the build starts with Radiance for Right Hand Strength for the bonus critical hit chance, Radiant Fire for shorter torch cooldowns and extra Zealot's Flames, and Amplified Wrath for bonus Burning damage. Then, you of course pick up the Firebrand specialization, picking up all three of the lower traits, i.e. Archivists of Whispers and Legendary Lore to boost your Tome of Justice, and Loremaster to allow you to continuously proc Virtue of Justice.

For the third specialization, you can either pick up Zeal if you intend to use the scepter more, utilizing Fiery Wrath and Symbolic Avenger to augment your direct damage, and Kindled Zeal for more Condition Damage. Alternatively, you can specialize in Virtues mainly for shorter cooldowns on your Tomes and Permeating Wrath, while giving you the option to pick up Master of Consecration for some added utility, or Unscathed Contender for the rare situations that allow you to keep Aegis up for extended periods of time.

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