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Idea for special event


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@Kraitan.8476 said:With 2v2s and no-downstate WvW events coming up, I thought: why not a mesmerless pvp weekend? 8 out of 9 players would very much enjoy.

Oh, sure. Make a mesmerless pvp weekend, but scourge gets a free pass? Here's a better idea: make a developer chats with community weekend where we can have a better way of communicating with the developers and tell them what we would like to be changed?

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Is it really a better idea? If we sum up everything we see on he forums, all of the professions need a nerf. All of them. Not just nerf, but straight up butchering. Soo do you really think that they should do a dev chat? Or better yet, will it be of any value? Because, you know, everyone will still continue to complain...

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