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AFK players and Disconnects


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Can anyone explain what the punishment is for afk players because especially in gold 1 and lower you get afk players who will literally play for 1 minute and if your losing by like 30 points they start screaming im afk and standing in base they get reported and then you see them in the next match your in and they repeat the process........ and then you get people that disconnect which cant be helped but then they are disconnected for the entire match re connect at the end and you still lose rating i dont mind a loss for people that actually try but so much punishment for players been salty and afking for a match ive been on a losing streak and most of th elosses have come from afk players which is mildly annoying and i just find it more annoying that i lost rating because someone had a hissy fit and stood in the base and they never seem to get punished for the actions

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@meinie.5037 said:Can anyone explain what the punishment is for afk players because especially in gold 1 and lower you get afk players who will literally play for 1 minute and if your losing by like 30 points they start screaming im afk and standing in base they get reported and then you see them in the next match your in and they repeat the process........ and then you get people that disconnect which cant be helped but then they are disconnected for the entire match re connect at the end and you still lose rating i dont mind a loss for people that actually try but so much punishment for players been salty and afking for a match ive been on a losing streak and most of th elosses have come from afk players which is mildly annoying and i just find it more annoying that i lost rating because someone had a hissy fit and stood in the base and they never seem to get punished for the actions

The only punishment that exists for AFK players is the dishonored one, where players how leave rated PvP matches get a time out. The more they do it, the longer the punishment lasts. This is not a good enough punishment in my opinion. Some AFK players are not actually AFK. They'll just sit in the spawn room, occasionally hitting their movement keys so that they don't get kicked and everyone gets to lose their rating.

The best way to fix this problem is to implement a kick system. A kick system for players that are actually throwing matches on purpose. Some will say that this system might be abused, so there should also be punishments for players that abuse the kick system. But for those players that are trying to kick players who do these things do not get punished. This will mean that the team who kicked the AFK player will be in a 4v5, but at least they won't lose any rating and I believe the person who was kicked should receive more than just a time out. I was thinking being losing their current rank, like From platinum 2 to platinum 1 to gold 3 and so on. The more they do this, the higher the punishment gets.

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they could just add a timer on the base and if you spend x in base over the entire match you lose all the rank points that your team would lose but implement it without adding it to patch notes so they will see a huge rank loss in a short period of time and anyone that does it 3 times ina week gets demoted to the lowest rank possible and then all the salty players can argue in bronze 1

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