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There was an idea.... ( we are recruiting )

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To bring together a group of remarkable people.To see if we could become something more.So when Tyrians needed us, we could fight the battles,That they never could.

OK wrong comic team BUUUT that trailer still gives me chills ANYWAY!Greetings! We are the [XMEN] EU Guild and we are currently recruiting fresh new mutants to grow and have fun with us!

About the Guild:

[XMEN] was founded by 6 friends about 10 months ago. It is a place for them to stay in touch and do activities with each other. In a few months, the guild grew in size as new friendships and connections were made. Due to real-life circumstances, it was put on hold, and now we are looking to bring it back! ( Tyria outcasts and non metas need us! )What We Do:

  • We do daily fractals.
  • We do meta-events.
  • We do dungeons.
  • We dabble in raids and we're looking to get serious with it in the near future. we have managed to successfully do 2 weeks in a row a "practice run" and successfully beat cairn twice and mursaat once! So far we will continue to practice raids each week, hopefully with enough members even twice a week!
  • ~~We also do a little bit of WvW and PvP here and there. ~~ One of our members is active in conquest and is currently teaching in unranked our other guild members.
  • Due to huge income of new players we are constantly doing low lvl dungeons, map completion, and tier 1 fractals to get majority of the guild to do higher tiers of endgame.

What We Are Looking For:We are looking for mutants who would like to grow with us as a guild. We are a fun-loving group, so it's quite all right to be casual and chill with us. Guild representation is not forced. :)

Contact me in game or send me a mail about recruitment!I hope you'll find your home with us fellow mutant! :D


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@Tron.1763 said:So every thing looks good so far.The events mentioned when to they normally occur?

We dont have a strict schedule, since most of us work in shifts. We have people active in the morning almost always since some of our friends are free during that time. The rest of us really depends on our work schedule sometimes we are all together PM sometimes AM. BUT before anything major ( raid some huge event etc ) we usually ask few hours or day before to organize and get the group together for that. We use discord for organizing and stuff :D

P.S. sorry for late reply I didnt check the forums lately D:

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Are ye chatty? :D

What WvW server are ye?

I have a random play time. Im levelling up fractals. I main necro-reaper and mesmer, atm.

I'd like to do dungeons. I've only ever really played AC.

I couldn't rep..except when doing meta-events together, but I always have the guild chat visible.

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@Taygus.4571 said:Are ye chatty? :D

What WvW server are ye?

I have a random play time. Im levelling up fractals. I main necro-reaper and mesmer, atm.

I'd like to do dungeons. I've only ever really played AC.

I couldn't rep..except when doing meta-events together, but I always have the guild chat visible.

@Taygus.4571 said:Are ye chatty? :D

What WvW server are ye?

I have a random play time. Im levelling up fractals. I main necro-reaper and mesmer, atm.

I'd like to do dungeons. I've only ever really played AC.

I couldn't rep..except when doing meta-events together, but I always have the guild chat visible.

HEY! Actually no idea about WvW and tbh we are moslty chatty in voice not as much as in actual chat if thats ok with u? Altho we do ( especially me ) talk a lot. Send me a mail in game and I will add ya tonight when I get home :D

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