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Astralaria progress blocking bug

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I can't get the item named "Elder Dragons and Star Navigation Theories Vol III" to drop from Vexa's Lab minidungeon chest. GW2Wiki says it should drop from that chest. That is the only item i need to get to progress forward. Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?

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This should be a guaranteed drop, as are most legendary collection components, aslong as the collection is open, which the OP states is the last thing he needs for said collection. Obvious.

I think it might only award if you do the Event 'Defeat Vexa and her Golem' that spawns the chest. Maybe try to wait around/wait for resets etc to spawn the event before looting the chest?It's been a while since I finished Astralaria, but I had 0 issues with any part of the collection processes.

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