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Please Increase Dishonor Across the Board


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Sometimes its because the game crashes and refuses to let them back into the match. After they relog it sometimes spawns them in the lobby instead more times than not giving them dishonor. I don't see how that is intentional and the punishment is account wide for all characters. Which is bull for people that are not doing it intentionally. It isn't worth it to stack dishonor on one account however I'm going to digress for a moment because they allow you to have as many accounts as you want to avoid dishonor.

What you're suggesting isn't going to help. You're just inviting more people to use alt accounts for the specific various loops to avoid it. Although the bug for rejoining matches does need to be fixed for people that actually care.

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A few things certainly should have increased dishonor:

  • Not showing up to hit accept for the que, when a player is clearly still logged in.
  • Getting DC'd from elongated amounts of time standing AFK in a match.
  • Actually pushing ESC and hitting Exit Game.

The above are not "accidents and problems with connection." They more often than not, occur due to: Not paying attention, Bad sportsmanship and Rage quitting.

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@"DaShi.1368" said:Not accepting queue should be tripled. Nothing like waiting 8+ minutes for a match only to have to start again because people won't accept.

I moaned about the login screen in the middle of the display being too distracting while playing in WvW (which oftenly, in the middle of a skirmish, could lead to a death). One of the developers answered that they were thinking about implementing some changes... That was a few months ago. They did nothing.

If they aren't able to move the loging screen to a side or to make it smaller for players which want to "play" in other gamemodes instead of wasting time doing nothinng in the PvP hall I'll save my right to refuse to join in PvP any time the screen warning menaces to ruin an interesting fight. You get what you give...

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Give me back team queue and I'll start thinking about my allies a little more, till then I'm forced to play with randoms and if they choose to 4 home or start raging because we lost mid, then I choose to log off and hit up a friend or 2 on other games instead.

Increase the time on dishonor if you want, make it 3 hours for all I care because that means I'll spend 3 hours on another game instead while the timer burns off.

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