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Premade Groups


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There's a problem when a premade group goes up against a random group in PvP. It's pretty much unfair. What would help this unfairness is if Premade Groups go against Premade groups and random groups go against random groups. Otherwise, Premade PvP groups will always have an upper hand against people that just use the PvP match finder. Premade groups sometimes voice chat, if they are friends so they have better communication, unlike random groups. I was just thinking about this, because I ran into a group (that were in the same guild) and we lost pretty bad to them. It would be more balanced if Premade groups went against another premade group. It also makes sense.

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@"TheWeirdoNik.6247" said:There's a problem when a premade group goes up against a random group in PvP. It's pretty much unfair. What would help this unfairness is if Premade Groups go against Premade groups and random groups go against random groups. Otherwise, Premade PvP groups will always have an upper hand against people that just use the PvP match finder. Premade groups sometimes voice chat, if they are friends so they have better communication, unlike random groups. I was just thinking about this, because I ran into a group (that were in the same guild) and we lost pretty bad to them. It would be more balanced if Premade groups went against another premade group. It also makes sense.

yeah that is why in ranked you can only duo queue and if you are above a certain rating, you can only solo queue.

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So, let me get this straight. You are advocating that even in unranked friends shouldn't be allowed to play with each other? (or at least have 10 minute queues and terribly unfun games because such limited match-making) ... and you think this will have positive outcomes for the game?

There is no penalty for losing in unranked (there really isn't in ranked, either, it's just an illusion anet made to trick weaker minds into needing to play their game -- but that's a whole different story).

Further, the matchmaking tries to match pre-made teams against solo players of higher caliber (which is why the numbers show that premade groups did not have better win rates over all).

Losing sucks; I get that. And seeing you just lost big to a pre-made group FEELS terrible. But your solution to this "problem" is just about as good as removing solo-queueing from the game so there are only pre-mades.

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