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Sigil/rune "eater"

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@Orion Templar.4589 said:

@Orion Templar.4589 said:My suggestion is to allow each person to maintain a custom "junk list". You could right-click a certain item such as a minor rune and "Add item to junk list". You could also access your junk list to remove items you accidentally added to it. Then when at a merchant when you click the Sell Junk button, it would automatically sell anything from your inventory that was on your junk list. I like this idea because it allows people who don't want these items to quickly sell them, but doesn't force a solution on others who might want to keep them when using the Sell Junk button at the merchant.

That is basically what the, sadly not permitted, addon discussed in another thread did: you could write rules about this, the simplest being "this item", and it would auto-sell them for you. It would be wonderful to have. I would <3 it so much.

This same feature was one of my favorites in WoW, Secret Life, and a couple other "addons are fine" games, too. So good. Especially because the definition of junk really does vary by person. eg, I'm sure some people would flag dragonite ore, or bloodstone dust, that way. I wouldn't.

Agreed! Giving people flexibility and options is almost always a good thing. Would love to see the dev team put together something like this for a future update where we could define/manage our own list of items that would auto-sell with the "Sell Junk" button.

I doubt they have the time, but I wish they would look at it, and accept that it (plus the now vanished pre-truce ArcDPS feature of "automatically put chest rewards in inventory") is not actually a problem, provided the player gets to keep both pieces when it breaks.

Like, this is a great thing. Wonderful. I love it. I want to use it. Sadly, my desire not to be banned is stronger. :(

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@Vavume.8065 said:Runes and sigils should just be destroyed along with the item they are in that you are salvaging, it should not be a 2 step process, if you actually want to keep a rune, which lets face it, its extremely rare these days, then you should have to use a black lion kit to remove it.

I don't play games to have to micro manage trash, the amount of time I've had to waste selling or deleting runes is beyond annoying at this point, runes and sigils need an overhaul ASAP.

But you be ok with a system that has a 0.0003% of chance of dropping a useful object, but zero output otherwise? Theres been a long, eye opening discussion about how people respond to various types of reward systems... and thus far, it seems they will always favor a system with constant feedback, even if that feedback is literally trash. The problem is the Devs have a myriad of reasons to create artificial scarcity, because players covet rare things, and demand the feeling of beating the odds..... and you can't do that in a system without odds. Most players aren't even consciously aware of it; but this is clearly reflected in their behavior and focal points of interest. The value of mystic coins in crafting has actually gone unchanged since launch.... but the perceived value of coins immediately shot up when people realized they were going to be scarce, and is currently maintained on the mere idea of scarcity.

Then there was ascended armor....... you'd have to be blind to not see what happens when otherwise useless stuff is suddenly given new value in an attempt to sink them, by attaching them to something players do want. Eaters, in the simplest terms, is an attempt to get more value out of something that is currently considered trivial. But that incentive becomes powder keg- since not having something of value in there makes it just as pointless but now contrived, but adding some that IS will trigger a gold rush attempt to get said item while its input material is still cheap. To understand this problem anywhere else in the system, you need only look at Ecto salvaging and its related market segments. When rares are in abundance, Ectos are cheap. When the volume of rares being generated drops (like when player activity dwindles between major releases), the volume of ectos falls off, and the price creeps back up. Its the only item in the entire market that can reach an equilibrium, because its a direct reflection of the level of player activity in the game.

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