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  1. Last time that happened players complained that they started a collection not knowing it required stuff from an expansion they didn’t like, because it started in core Tyria. Its a catch 22. Not having it in the expansion devalues the expansion. Putting it in Core Tyria but requiring expansion access gets called a bait and switch. This is the world we live in now.
  2. The two are related by order of operations. Having the awareness to understand basic game mechanics leads to lazy build copying. Thats the threshold for most bosses in open world. Past that are players who use dodge and can read AOE circles. Past that are people who can perform a rotation or skill combo on purpose. If by this point thats excluding a majority of players, than may as well port GW2 to mobile; because theres more money there. Most fights aren’t asking much. And if this is considered raid levels of difficult, than theres no point in keeping the game alive. Make it a mobile game for a phone, and everyone can be happy. NCSoft makes more money, the game can be easier, and theres incentive for more robust cosmetics.
  3. 50 people in a hub and I can’t get 10 people who want to go to the same strike!!!! Am I wrong in my prediction? Just skip the middle steps and make an automated match maker for strikes. Then fast forward to the part where we claim X strike is dead because Y strike is the only one that can fill a queue.
  4. Exactly. but they weren’t always that way. On POF launch they were in huge demand, despite a high acquisition rate. Eventually everyone who was done crafting what they needed, eyes devalued into trash loot. In the recent festival updates, food drops were trash loot, with wintersday food having a bit of value due to karma boost. When research notes happened, food value skyrocketed. If you want a more basic example, transmutation charges and spirt shards are in short supply for new or farm accounts. For older and players who don’t craft, spirit shards ate in abundance. And people who merely dabble in pvp and wvw have a bunch of transmutation charges in their wallets The point is that if you look at sustained demand, people will either give up on it, or chip away at swim infusions over time. You don’t NEED 30% swim speed. You can barely justify the investment for 25% swim speed. It was never important before, so why is it being treated as meta required now?
  5. Anti clutter vs Infusion lover war will be the most violent war since the last guildwar
  6. And risk other people devaluing the property values? Next thing you know theres an HOA telling you you have too many White Mantle in you yard, and that the jungle brush is 0.2 inches too high.
  7. The Dreamer has the power to sort the pure hearted from the edge lords. For only those who carry hated would be harmed by such a noble unicorn.
  8. If I were a streamer, I’d just other peoples streams and occasionally grunt in agreement. Top tier content.
  9. Thats only a half truth. Marketing doesn’t make a game worse. Execs just think marketing will make something sell regardless. so they invest more money and attention into that, rather then the game or product. And the sad part is they are right. But this also bites them in the kitten, because its an old strategy from the one and done days of game sales. In the current era of targeting endless recurrent spending, its obvious to everyone else that its unsustainable if the game can’t do this on its own. But modern business’s idea of a risk is putting out several low cost products on the market in a short time. On the chance one is successful, that becomes your cash cow for all eternity. And will continuously invest in marketing that, while cutting studio sizes to improve margins at the cost of quality, bumping the cost of in-game cash shops to increase revenue, and cancelling all other projects to focus on that one money maker. And promise doubling profits year on year.
  10. It kind of bothers me the op keeps insisting on having main character syndrome. I would kill many bandits for a proper A-life system in this game.
  11. So in short…. they want mobs that sit there and tack it, but also have to die at exactly the time to mess with their ADD. Pretend to be a threat without actually being a threat. You made no mention of champs or elites You give open world players more credit then they deserve. They are the only demographic among the player base to go up to 2 years without knowing theres a dodge mechanic.
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