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rookies, map awareness and worse!


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This season seems to be even worse then before.. and it keeps getting worse.

Everyone is saying matches are rigged, players are delibirately throwing and wasting everyones time, each time they queue up and end up in a horrible match loosing +-100 against 500 points, simply because of the following:

  • Players map awareness (minimap) is non excisting! They don't look at minimaps, they won't see if a point is contested or see enemies walk towards those points.
  • Fighting off point. They just have no freaking clue how important it is to hold points, contest them or at all, decap them.
  • general salt mine in chat. I myself am quite salty if there are some "rookies" who are making my matches horrible. The enemy seems much more coordinated, focus a target or outnumber you, while the other team mates are wandering off dieing on a point they'll never decap in the 15 minutes you get. And then the salt flows in team chat. they'll turn it off or block, which make coordinating even worse.
  • You get to rank 20 in no time. It doens't take a lot of time to get to rank 20 in pvp, and once you are there you can go into ranked anytime you like, but those 20 ranks aren't enough to teach the players all the basics to a good pvp match. they'll still suffer with the points mentioned above.

its making pvp feel like a retard fest. i don't have any other words. then there is ofc the fact that ppl are manipulating matches to deliberately loose, and the people that bring the most stupid of builds or classes in pvp because they are fun to play... i don't care that they are fun, if you die in 3 seconds because "its fun" go do that in unranked, where shit like this doesn't matter.all with all, its making me feel less and less motivated to even bother with pvp, since its just unbearable to sit through 10 placement matches where shit like this is constantly happening.its not just me, ppl in my contacts are experiencing the same.Current rating is between top gold and bottom gold (decay, and said horrible experiences making me fall all the way from +1450 rating to around 1200...

Anet should change something, either make the requirement for ranked higher, change matchmaking algoritms to take in account how long or how many matches you've played or even wins on a class you are queueing for. Also make them not allowed to swap class after a map is selected for the rated pvp game. but there has to be changes, this season is again worse then the last one. and its all falling deeper in the same darkness

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With all due respect, my dude, "rookies" have been around in ranked since the beginning of time so that's not likely to change.Addressing your points - character swapping should definitely remain - many (like myself) will look at team comp and if it looks unbalanced, change to a different prof to play a suitable role.Personally I agree it may be a good idea to increase the threshold for ranked to PvP level50 (or 60) or have a minimum number of wins on a class in unranked before it being "unlocked" for league seasons..Above all of that, maybe it's time to remove "pips on loss" from ranked. - Still have reward track progression. This might discourage pipfarmers since they won't be able to afk half the match or play poorly. Too many people only play ranked for pip farm IMO and if pips on loss were taken away, this might help the scene..No win, no pips.

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I am PvP rank 32... and I don't feel ready to play ranked AT ALL.. sure, I may be better then some folks on the two specs I play most, but I still have to learn so much about the profession that I personally don't even want to touch to be truly competitive. It is not enough to just know your class to ensure a win, and how to deal in different situations, when to +1, when to disengage and coordinate and so on is another beast in and of itself to deal with.

So, I think too that the requirements should be heightened to AT LEAST 40 to play ranked PvP and take away the pip gain at a loss.

As for yourself, I advise you to only play ranked in pre-made groups of 5. One thing I loved about WoW Ranked Arenas was that you could only participate as a pre-made team, and gain and lose rating as a team. You could add more players to the team than what can participate in a match to allow to have somebody in reserve if somebody else is unavailable, and everybody had a personal rating together with the team rating that would determine what he can get with the points earned from the matches and so on. GW2 is NEVER forcing you to do anything pre-made, but honestly, if you make an effort to do so, either through a guild or some friends, everything becomes soooo much better, including ranked PvP.

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@"MarshallLaw.9260" said:With all due respect, my dude, "rookies" have been around in ranked since the beginning of time so that's not likely to change.Addressing your points - character swapping should definitely remain - many (like myself) will look at team comp and if it looks unbalanced, change to a different prof to play a suitable role.Personally I agree it may be a good idea to increase the threshold for ranked to PvP level50 (or 60) or have a minimum number of wins on a class in unranked before it being "unlocked" for league seasons..Above all of that, maybe it's time to remove "pips on loss" from ranked. - Still have reward track progression. This might discourage pipfarmers since they won't be able to afk half the match or play poorly. Too many people only play ranked for pip farm IMO and if pips on loss were taken away, this might help the scene..No win, no pips.

Profession swapping is not what makes balanced matches, thats down to MMR to balance the match. The fact you change professions to throw the mmr's balance out the window is just a joke. And it if by playing a different characters like you say balances out the mmr then they should infact lock professions to individual mmr to combat the issue of match manipulation, as that is in affect what you are doing when you profession swap.

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