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Soulbeast boon build?


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Got you, I follow him quite a bit ( hell taught me quite a bit back in the day.) This should be his buildA few notes, he often switches marader for paliden, and when he goes paliden he takes bear stance and stance share (usually goes this when the enemy team has lots of mesmers)

He'll also swap out invograting bond for Ward when he sees a power heavy (aka Holo/warrior comp)


I'd still argue ws is better than nm due to the free vigor Regen stronger cleanse and access to QR but hey shade does it great again and again. And I'm just a Joe.

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@"Eleazar.9478" said:Got you, I follow him quite a bit ( hell taught me quite a bit back in the day.) This should be his buildA few notes, he often switches marader for paliden, and when he goes paliden he takes bear stance and stance share (usually goes this when the enemy team has lots of mesmers)

He'll also swap out invograting bond for Ward when he sees a power heavy (aka Holo/warrior comp)


I'd still argue ws is better than nm due to the free vigor Regen stronger cleanse and access to QR but hey shade does it great again and again. And I'm just a Joe.

I’ve only seen him stream a few times but didn’t realize he goes so defensive (even soldier runes). Seems crazy to sacrifice so much damage - I’ll have to watch him play more. I also think ws is stronger but he prefers more team oriented/defense of nm

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@ZeroSkitzo.5403 said:

@"Eleazar.9478" said:Got you, I follow him quite a bit ( hell taught me quite a bit back in the day.) This should be his buildA few notes, he often switches marader for paliden, and when he goes paliden he takes bear stance and stance share (usually goes this when the enemy team has lots of mesmers)

He'll also swap out invograting bond for Ward when he sees a power heavy (aka Holo/warrior comp)

I'd still argue ws is better than nm due to the free vigor Regen stronger cleanse and access to QR but hey shade does it great again and again. And I'm just a Joe.

I’ve only seen him stream a few times but didn’t realize he goes so defensive (even soldier runes). Seems crazy to sacrifice so much damage - I’ll have to watch him play more. I also think ws is stronger but he prefers more team oriented/defense of nm

Would make sense, since respawning is a pain.

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@ZeroSkitzo.5403 Hey Zero. Good news is ill be streaming later tonight for the first time in awhile if you want to check it out. I will say my build bases its damage largely on what I used to call Hyperbuffing. Stacking effects like quickness, might, and sic em to arrange for higher burst. The issue ive been running into lately is that this is very timing based. And it has a lower success rate agaisnt sword dagger thieves, mirages, and pretty much anything that can chain back to back defensive skills that don't have counters for significant periods of time (I mean 3-4 chained defensive skills) this times out my burst and leaves me vulnerable which forces me onto the defensive (You do NOT want to be on the defensive).

Soldier runes are there to deal with things like weakness and vulnerability. Not necessarily damaging conditions. The higher HP pool allows you to soak some of that while you disengage. But it does lower my damage. I used hyper buffing to temporarily put my defensive builds damage back into the range of a glass build.

And in a more brawler style meta this is effective (It was a brawler style meta when I first developed my soulbeast playstyle). However we are currently in an attrition meta where alot of classes have absolute defenses that have to be chewed through in order to get to the chewy center. Which REALLY hurts my playstyle due to the fact that I can pressure them enough to hurt them for a short time but it is nearly impossible to actually one round a mirage for example without getting a MASSIVE maul/wordly impact crit. And shortly after they can simply come back and return fire. I have been looking for an alternative runeset to help compensate for this by giving me a longer burst window or more sustained damage. (Probably one of the various boon based ones)

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@Shadelang.3012 thanks for the additional info. One of the things that I’m trying to work around is what to do once the initial LB burst is down but they are still alive as you mentioned. I feel like I may need to go full burst but I also enjoy a more brawler playstyle (going F2-1-3 Smokescale beast skills into GS rotation after the LB rotation). Keep us posted on what runeset you may land on. Also, why do you prefer nm over ws? Would one be better than the other in solo queue? Thanks!

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@ZeroSkitzo.5403 Not a problem. One of the things with my setup is you NEED to be able to rock in melee as well. For me longbow is my opener and cycler. I use it at the beginning and in-between melee cycles it has solid pressure. But I almost always need to use my pet burst and melee burst properly to guarantee kills. So far as rune set I am leaning towards the standard leadership runes. Its just the best balance and gives me the boon duration I need to extend my burst cycle. When your burst is done start cycling through sustained pressure methods. Like a merged jaccaranda lightning. Your soft ccs. The occasional maul if your in melee. Or just plinking away with the longbow. The key is just to maintain pressure.

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Nature Magic is a pArt of my burst cycle. I roll boons between myself and my pet in order to combat incoming strips/corruptions. I.E. if I get corrupted I can pull from my pet and vice versa. In order to do that two traits and one heal are needed WhaO, Fortifying Bond, and Fresh Reinforcement all act as boon copy mechanics between you and your pet. Between the three of them you have a high ability to reinforce your boon uptime as well as your resistance to corrupts. I often take Spirited Arrival for vigor and fury uptime now. Its a little more prone to being locked down though so you have to be a step ahead of your opponents in that regard.

WS is better condi clear and offers more long term sustain. But you lose burst potential and your upper damage limit is alot lower. It also makes you harder to lock down to the nature of its effects and the skills attached to it.

A big part of my damage is from pet swapping for boon generation and then using the three mentioned mechanics to prolong its effects until the next swap. It gives me high uptime on quickness fury vigor and might and allows me to bounce protection and might for extended durations as well without relying on war horn or moa stance.

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