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Camera goes WILD on world & raid bosses

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Every time I engage world or raid boss, my camera starts zooming in and out. FoW changes multiple times. Changes take few seconds to complete, forcing you to endure the full process every time. This bug makes me have to readjust camera settings every single boss fight, since the end position is usually zoomed in all the way, and it really makes fighting bosses unenjoyable.Additionally, I will say that I went through all ingame options (didn't find any option to disable "boss cam. mode"), bought a new mouse (I thought it might be connected to my mousewheel), changes my graphics card (unrelated to this issue ofc.) and finally bound zoom options to keyboard in hopes this would stop, but still happens 100% of boss fights.I talked to other people on meta events, as well as my guildies, but only a couple of people seem to have issues with this bug.Thank you for taking the time to read this, I hope there is a simple solution for this problem/bug.Edit: grammar mistakes

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@Aenaos.8160 said:Maybe it has something to do with the camera collision sensitivity slider?

I doubt it. I watch from a steep angle, and it always happens on Shadow Behemoth. I believe it's some form of boss camera mode devs put in the game, that for some reason bugs out on my client.I am very interested in other peoples feedback on this. Does your camera move at all when you engage a boss or not? Please share.

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