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I think the worst part of meta mirage isn't how strong it is, but rather how boring it is to play


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I'll be the first to say, I think mirage is strong like a lot of people. Not the most broken but still pretty damn strong. and annoying to fight against.

That being said, I think the worst offender isn't how OP it is, but rather how boring it is to play. This is personal experience but I've been here a long time, I've been through the days of double ranged shatter being countered by thief, PU mesmer, pro torment buff condi mesmer, the cancer that was bunker chrono, and then condi chrono once nerfs were made.

This is personal opinion, but as someone who has played all of these during their prime, there is one thing that separates condi mirage from all of these, it's uninteresting to play. Even the most user friendly builds such as PU mesmer, still required the player to land hits and use careful positioning. Condi mirage uses in my opinion, the worst designed weapon for pvp, axe.

Not because it's bad, it's actually quite strong, but outside of the auto attack, uses very telegraphed/automated attacks that take control away from the player. Again, personal opinion, but as a mesmer/main, I don't play my mesmer nearly as much. It's strong, but the since I've already got legendary, it makes pvp being fun more appearent. Playing mirage isn't fun because of how it plays. I actually pick up my soulbeast and spellbreaker more because whether or not the build is gimmicky or incrredibly strong, it's still fun to play. Does that make sense?

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Since this thread is not directly about whether mirage is the most OP spec or not i won't comment this point, but it is not a general problem that the meta-mirage is boring to play, because you can easily avoid this by just not playing this build, but you can not avoid playing against this build and as you said it is pretty cancerous to play against

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Had a mesmer troll me in pvp yesterday had a 5 min 1v1 on my close on my reaper took me that long to kill him due to all the defensive abiltys then he trolled me for playing a keyboard bash class. I am like brooooo, first 4half mins I could not kill u and it took me that long to be able to lock u down and this is o ly because u got over confidence on how op u are. Hate mesmer. Played for a day one every game with guessing how to play it and yeah it's boring just click thinks and seem to all have great effects.

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@Gamble.4580 said:Had a mesmer troll me in pvp yesterday had a 5 min 1v1 on my close on my reaper took me that long to kill him due to all the defensive abiltys then he trolled me for playing a keyboard bash class. I am like brooooo, first 4half mins I could not kill u and it took me that long to be able to lock u down and this is o ly because u got over confidence on how op u are. Hate mesmer. Played for a day one every game with guessing how to play it and yeah it's boring just click thinks and seem to all have great effects.

That's not that terrible. Easier to hate Condi Mirage when you die in <4 seconds from 9 burn, 12 torment and 12 confusion.

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@Chaith.8256 said:

@Gamble.4580 said:Had a mesmer troll me in pvp yesterday had a 5 min 1v1 on my close on my reaper took me that long to kill him due to all the defensive abiltys then he trolled me for playing a keyboard bash class. I am like brooooo, first 4half mins I could not kill u and it took me that long to be able to lock u down and this is o ly because u got over confidence on how op u are. Hate mesmer. Played for a day one every game with guessing how to play it and yeah it's boring just click thinks and seem to all have great effects.

That's not that terrible. Easier to hate Condi Mirage when you die in <4 seconds from 9 burn, 12 torment and 12 confusion.

Only 12 confusion? That's on the low end.... I've stacked 20 on someone recently.

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@BlueCar.1587 said:Since this thread is not directly about whether mirage is the most OP spec or not i won't comment this point, but it is not a general problem that the meta-mirage is boring to play, because you can easily avoid this by just not playing this build, but you can not avoid playing against this build and as you said it is pretty cancerous to play against

Some people may disagree with me, I think mirage is very strong, but I find scourge much more annoying. I think it has to do with the abundant of AOE that is just excellent in team fights, when I saw two of those paired with a good firebrand good lord lol

It's subjective, the reason I bring this is up is merely based on opinion, but I'm playing other professions when I used to always play mesmer, it's strong right now too so you'd think I'd be having a lot of fun but it's just full of telegraphed attacks that take away control from the player but at the same time, rewards it. It just doesn't feel satisfying to play, at least pvp wise.

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@DrDivine.5378 said:

@BlueCar.1587 said:Since this thread is not directly about whether mirage is the most OP spec or not i won't comment this point, but it is not a general problem that the meta-mirage is boring to play, because you can easily avoid this by just not playing this build, but you can not avoid playing against this build and as you said it is pretty cancerous to play against

Some people may disagree with me, I think mirage is very strong, but I find scourge much more annoying. I think it has to do with the abundant of AOE that is just excellent in team fights, when I saw two of those paired with a good firebrand good lord lol

It's subjective, the reason I bring this is up is merely based on opinion, but I'm playing other professions when I used to always play mesmer, it's strong right now too so you'd think I'd be having a lot of fun but it's just full of telegraphed attacks that take away control from the player but at the same time, rewards it. It just doesn't feel satisfying to play, at least pvp wise.

i find mirage much stronger in conquest than reaper becouse he is really strong in 1vs1 ... a lot of evasion ,damage, survivability and mobility. Portal alone, if well used, is a great plus. Scurge is really strong in teamfight and and not only in that but if you add to mirage the mobility and portal.... it is something that can really change a match . I realize it when i play it. I use holo ( my main ( or other classes but with mirage it is completely another game becouse many times... when i lose a fight i am able to disengage and go to be uesefull elsewhere and go back after . Boring... it is boring as hell , it is true .

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Just to follow up, personally I think mirage is a work of art and is one of the most aesthetically satisfying things I've played in any game.

The skill animations, visual effects and even sound effects all mesh together in such a way, and adding to that the most beautiful legendary weapon in the game - at times it feels like I'm painting without a canvas. It's beautiful.

Real "nerfs" for me would be animation changes - ie when they changed GS4 to a spin rather than "by the power of greyskull", or the change to the alacrity sound effect which completely turned me off chrono. Edit - oh and when they changed the mirage axe 3 camera to immediately snap behind the character rather than remain in place then move to the character, which I preferred because it was less jarring. Gameplay nerfs are minor compared with sound effect or visual effect changes - with the former you can adapt to a new build, with the latter there's no way to get around it.

The only complaint I have on mirage on this subject is the brightness of mirage cloak's bifrost-like aura when playing zoomed into the character - the flash illuminates most of the screen which is annoying. Also one of the sound effects for mirage cloak (there are multiple sound effects) is quite high pitched - some of the others are lower which is more comfortable on the ears. I would mind both of these literally being "toned down" (nice to be able to use that phrase appropriately for once). ;)

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@Jannie.2975 said:Yes, Mirage ist indeed boring to play and the reason for that is that you will always get bored of anything you do when you don't get challenged. This is the natural consequence of playing an overtuned and oppressive class like the Mirage.

Here's the thing though, I've played a lot of cheesy classes that were fun. For example turret engi back in the day, requires no skill but it was broken. That being said, it was a blast to play, seeing turrets shoot people and knocking them back was hilarious. Same goes for a lot of glass cannon berserker builds right now. very gimmicky but just so much fun when you snipe people.

I don't get that feeling of satisfaction with mirage, it's kinda just boring

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