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Blood Necro Rezzing

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@brunoam.7391 said:That is why there is interrupt and stability. You do not have to die to finish your opponent, that's stupid.

Not many classes can stomp in a team fight. Stab just gets corrupted by decent players. You need some sort of invuln or port. Even then a necro can rez faster than you can stomp.

Rez port plus fast rez didn't last long when druid had it. Don't expect it to last long on necro.

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@brunoam.7391 said:

@Poledra Val.1490 said:I believe Anet seriously needs to look at this specificaly its outrageously difficult to stop/cleave if your solo qing because half the time people dont realize that the necro is blood unless its to late.

In my opinion it is by far in a way the most broken rez ability in pvp, needs some nerfing for it to be equalized with the rest of the rez abilities the other professions can use. The fact that its been left untouched beggers belief really in this current iteration of balance.

I do not like necros, but let's be honest, it's a very easy class to kill. The big problem with the game is in '' L2P ''. If you do not have good teammates enough to hit a target, consider a lost game.

Yes and no. It's true that it's hard to have an impact on the game anymore and it depends usually on your mates also. However, you have games where it feels quite unfair in some situations. As an example, with no arrogance, if i was given 1 scourge 1 firebrand 2 mesmers listening to me, you can be sure i would rarely lose with more than 100 points gap. It takes a lot of work/effort for some builds, but it takes minimal skill with some others..

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@"Burnfall.9573" said:Necromancer has come a very long way. 6 years+ of being unfavored, undervalued, unloved and undeserving. While others were being favored, loved unconditionally; the Necromancer stood alone, abandoned, mistreated and helpless. The Necromancer community felts its pain as well and had made many attempts to capture Anet heart but all failed,,,until now.

The Necromancer is finally is getting equal love by Anet. So it is a pleasure for me to urge Anet to keep this feature for the Necromancer. They deserve it and deserve the very best of things now and for tomorrow.

Thank You! in advance Anet

"Somehow, you convinced us to believe in Love again"N ecromancer

Iunno about you but I've pvped on Necro since day 1,never felt underpowered in my life. People just build necros like crap with memey garbage talents and on top of that the class typically draws the lowest common denominator of player to it because it's appearance and skill set. Scourge was an issue and it has been handled, Necro is now back in a perfect place.

Now we just need other classes brought down to balance not necros brought back to brain dead button mashing op levels.

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