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Everything posted by Hyraltia.4185

  1. That doesn't mean they aren't the meta, the same 3 cheese power builds which are the meta are the only power builds you see. Everything else is condi or, at best, pseudo power that also inflicts 10 billion conditions faster than anyone can cleanse.
  2. Never did I state the meta is currently condition. I stated conditions are still a garbage design that makes no sense. Current "power" builds all still have heavily integrated conditions tied to stuff that still does too much damage despite being no condition damage in their build. Current power builds are literally low cooldown "dodge this one skill or take 15k" on a 8 sec cd or lower lol. Regardless of what the meta is, everything is balanced like a boulder on a toothpick. It's all garbage, skill means nothing when you can, quite literally, face slam your keyboard on several classes and be plat. It is the meta of boring and mindless playstyles/builds which should never be top end. You can have easy mode builds, should they perform as they do currently? Hell no. Remember on release, literally first month people cried about condition warrior being braindead, and it was, however it was nearly impossible to die to if you cleansed 1 immobilize or dodged final stab (forget the name at the moment). Right now we have that release condi warrior but tankier, lower cooldowns, no resource tied to completing it besides 10 sec cd max (warrior relied on lv 3 burst to pull it off). Game is plain low skill boring trash spam. If I want to "compete" it's pick one of 3-4 builds and turn my brain off while I whack my keyboard open palmed.
  3. 9 years in, we still, to this day have braindead 2 button builds brought on by PoF and HoT. We still refuse to nerf conditions so they have a meaningful interaction with the game not just LOLOLOL 2 BUTTONS 50K BURST DAMAGE "OVER TIME" kitten that they have become. Power has near no place outside a few cheese factory builds (Holo grenades, holy kitten, seriously how is this still not nerfed? it's so braindead for its output and relative safety). We still have ranger pets hitting rando-5ks and putting 20 conditions on as well, enough is enough already. We had a "big" "balance" patch that was supposed to have a part 2, we never got it, warrior still trash canned. The good side of the big balance patch which was bringing damage across the board down massively was literally undone with the next patch and then subsequently, somehow, went to damage levels even HIGHER than pre-big patch. This is really getting out of hand and it is beginning to feel past the point of return where the devs/balance teams have ANY clue what they're doing or how to fix the cesspool they have created.
  4. Are you drunk or....? Have you seen conditions lately? lol.....literally 5-6 patches in a row of non stop buffs to condis and power creeping them far beyond what they have EVER been at. I've said it before and i'll say it again, every SINGLE skill and value in this game can be nerfed 50-70% and you'd have way more skill based engagements. Remember GW1? remember having to ACTIVELY think, call targets, burst, swap targets because they got protected, while on cd, swap call burst and spread bursts around trying to bait skill usage and get a kill? because i 'member. Game was FUN, BALANCED, and most of all, SKILL based. Not this clown show copy pasta broke kitten build #231231245523123 and slap your face onto the keyboard and roll for best results. Game is, at best, a kittening joke in it's current state. PvE is an easy mode laughable pile of crap in all instances because power creep, pvp is a joke because everything is just brain dead with no actual skill involved in 98% of classes/builds and wvw...lol don't even speak about that disaster.
  5. Hello all, I've been playing gw2 on and off since day 1 of the early access, upon hitting 80 I explored my options to make my warrior a tank type character and everything kind of fell short until I discovered being a dumbo cleric warrior. It was fun, it worked well in PvP and WvW and when rank eventually existed I climbed to top 30 using my build. I was super excited to finally see tactics was getting some love after the minor patches through the years (one of which i am going to be addressing, which has not worked, ever, since day one of the buff). Anyway, to cut to the point, the trait Vigorous shouts in Tactics is listed at healing 10001.2 healing power ( https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vigorous_Shouts ) in the following screenshots you'll see my own stats (Healing power of 1686), the listed heal of a shout (which is, if you do the math, 1000+(16861.2)=3023, same as the game lists) and then the actual heal, which is only 2686 (flat 1000+1686). https://imgur.com/a/jzmDwQl - my own stats plus the heal listed on shout and the true healing amount, no buffs to healing are applied, only thing on me is my sigil which is 25 stacks of toughness. Can we please get anet to finally take a look at this, it's been a long time coming and with anet finally looking at tactics reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/dbw6gl/vigorous_shouts_still_heals_the_wrong_amount/
  6. No. The average skill rating between teams is less than 50. The deviation is higher than that. Don't have the number off the top of my head though. We do our best to get the standard deviation as close as we can though. And no, I say it often, we don't rig matches to end loss or win streaks. But many people will never believe it. Except you stated the one issue that all current mmr systems fall victim to, AVERAGE is within 50 which means you can have 1600 1600 1600 1500 1400 and 1800 1700 1200 1300 1500 (didn't do the exact math but you get the picture). The team with the 1200 and 1300 is going to simply get smashed because those 2 players have no idea how to compete in that league and are simply not good enough to be there. Saying you try your hardest to keep games even while using average mmr is laughable at best, use a true mmr system and keep all players within 50 not the average, then you start seeing some good games. I personally don't care if it takes me 20 minutes to get a queue as long as its not spend 5 minutes in queue and 6 minutes in a match because it was a stomp either way. I stopped playing ranked after a plat 2 match where I was 1659 and we were losing pretty bad when our thief goes man I'm getting killed so easily, an ally asks him his rating and he responds 1362.....we lost that match hard needless to say because he fed voraciously. I took a real long hard look and said this games matchmaking is a literal joke and rating means nothing when I get put with a gold 2 in plat 2 matches during prime time, wasn't even late where population can be used as an excuse. A gold 2 cannot and shouldn't be competing in a match with players 3 tiers over his head, he won't have fun being stomped and the higher mmr players get frustrated at being handed a free loss because average mmr decided to lose them the match. At the very least give us a freakin check box or something for strict matchmaking like battlerite does so we have the option to sit in queue for a good match or be matched fast for some garbage stomp match.
  7. It's like we stated above, pure latency issues, no way to solve the problem other than when the input for an action is pressed, check for stealth, if returned value is 1, unstealth, otherwise do nothing. Even this isn't fool proof and has issues of its own. There in lies the issue with one shot builds and why they are bad for the health of pvp. Like Crinn said, you dodge and hope for the best, simply no other answer as long as latency is a factor. This or mash aoe around yourself and cross your fingers.
  8. That went over my head until now. If it's a oneshot build why aren't you dodging the one shot? From the looks of it it was mostly a sync fluke which made it appear the vault hit a split second after shadow pursuit was used but as that's impossible in normal circumstances. The shadow trap gives about 1-10 seconds ( all depending on setup) to prepare yourself* including both a sound and 2 visual cues (if deadly trapper is traited) to tell you you're marked for dead.But there in lies the problem, the sync issues in the game. Dodging something isn't always as simple as a learn to play issue when you know how to play and what to dodge but you don't see anything until it has happened already.
  9. I mean LITERALLY THE POST RIGHT BEFORE YOURS he explained multiple ways to avoid it, I don't know how you can not see that I feel like you're missing his entire point or the point everyone is making against 1 shot clown shit, so I'll throw a brief explanation in. When a game has one shot builds it leads to 2 types of players, those that abuse the cheese and those that despise it because it is just that, cheese. It's extremely bad for the health of a pvp game to have the "counterplay" to being one shot to randomly predict when a stealth person is gonna jump on you and blow you up, this is the same reason people wanted mirage nerfed, because no one has fun plying rng simulator with their life.
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