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Ranked PVP: Changing Classes at the Beginning of the Match - good / bad for the team?


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When you click the button to start a 'new discussion,' it pops up with a few options and one is 'new poll.'

They should lock team comps so that we can have profession-based matchmaking/mmr and better quality matches though. That's just my opinion. :P

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Or, take a page from modern MOBAs regarding balance and depth:

For ranked PvP, each team gets to ban 1 profession prior to the match. This means ranked PvP players must have at least 3 available professions ready to choose from.

Now teams will have to adapt to different strategies dynamically, and will make off-nominal builds very viable.

Also, that OP build that won't see a nerf for 6-12 months? Just ban the profession. Problem solved.

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You can use it to either profit from or tank. queue with a garbage class so the other team gets one too, then switch to your main. if you want to tank, queue as a carry class then switch to a garbage class.

Changing your build takes so long it it better to just switch to a character that has the build you want.

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@Kako.1930 said:When you click the button to start a 'new discussion,' it pops up with a few options and one is 'new poll.'

They should lock team comps so that we can have profession-based matchmaking/mmr and better quality matches though. That's just my opinion. :P

Because everyone wants the 2 revs on the team not to swap to something else when facing 2 scourges and a Firebrand... Yea, real fun match, I'd afk that one at the start too.

But then again... I'm that D/D tempest everyone has been asking to switch, had someone afk over me aswell even though I was 76 on the boards last night before I went to bed.... Which is crap because all I want is PIPS.

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@Kako.1930 said:When you click the button to start a 'new discussion,' it pops up with a few options and one is 'new poll.'

They should lock team comps so that we can have profession-based matchmaking/mmr and better quality matches though. That's just my opinion. :P

Because everyone wants the 2 revs on the team not to swap to something else when facing 2 scourges and a Firebrand... Yea, real fun match, I'd afk that one at the start too.

My post was assuming that there would be no doubles because the matchmaker could prevent 2 of the same profession per team more reliably.

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@Kako.1930 said:

@Kako.1930 said:When you click the button to start a 'new discussion,' it pops up with a few options and one is 'new poll.'

They should lock team comps so that we can have profession-based matchmaking/mmr and better quality matches though. That's just my opinion. :P

Because everyone wants the 2 revs on the team not to swap to something else when facing 2 scourges and a Firebrand... Yea, real fun match, I'd afk that one at the start too.

My post was assuming that there would be no doubles because the matchmaker could prevent 2 of the same profession per team more reliably.

yea that's fair enough, I was only thinking of 1 match I had yesterday... We had 2 Revs and they had a venom share thief, condi mirage and 2 necros on mid with a Firebrand.. Was during placement matches, this could have been any tier...

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@sephiroth.4217 said:

@Kako.1930 said:When you click the button to start a 'new discussion,' it pops up with a few options and one is 'new poll.'

They should lock team comps so that we can have profession-based matchmaking/mmr and better quality matches though. That's just my opinion. :P

Because everyone wants the 2 revs on the team not to swap to something else when facing 2 scourges and a Firebrand... Yea, real fun match, I'd afk that one at the start too.

My post was assuming that there would be no doubles because the matchmaker could prevent 2 of the same profession per team more reliably.

yea that's fair enough, I was only thinking of 1 match I had yesterday... We had 2 Revs and they had a venom share thief, condi mirage and 2 necros on mid with a Firebrand.. Was during placement matches, this could have been any tier...That must have been fun. There's always going to be really crummy matches, but I just think it would be cool to have profession-specific MMR lol. The devs said that was only possible if they took out profession swapping though. We either have the option to swap and have people playing on alts but matched based on their mains, or we don't have the ability to swap but risk being stuck in really bad matchups. It's a double edged sword. :/
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@"Tehologist.5841" said:I wish we could set build templates up. I think being able to quickly set up build for class would be enough. Up to Anet to balance the classes so it is at least possible to avoid bad matchups without changing classes.

Yeah, they need build templates and a different pre-match screen so that people can actually have a draft pick before matches.Honestly it would solve many of the issues with balance, allowing players to ban op builds or pick counters to them.

BUT, as most people have you read above, people don't care about picking counters. That's not how most people in GW2 sPvP think, because this game has taken steps to make people not want to think competitively. That's why instead of countering Scourge with the obvious counters it had, people would just run into the shades hoping somehow the 100 000th time would be have a different outcome. That's why instead of thinking "hey, i can counter that guy by switching my classes", no they think "i want my profession based MMR", because they don't even realize that's not a thing... Your knowledge of the game doesn't reset when you change characters. You can have a top tier player playing a new class, on a new build, with only just weapon skills, and if he's a top player, he'll easily carry a game vs bronze/silver tier players, because there's more to the game than knowing your class.Of course, that's when people think tactically and critically, which, lets be honest, is beyond the scope of most sPvP player's grasp.

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@Kako.1930 said:

@Kako.1930 said:When you click the button to start a 'new discussion,' it pops up with a few options and one is 'new poll.'

They should lock team comps so that we can have profession-based matchmaking/mmr and better quality matches though. That's just my opinion. :P

Because everyone wants the 2 revs on the team not to swap to something else when facing 2 scourges and a Firebrand... Yea, real fun match, I'd afk that one at the start too.

My post was assuming that there would be no doubles because the matchmaker could prevent 2 of the same profession per team more reliably.

yea that's fair enough, I was only thinking of 1 match I had yesterday... We had 2 Revs and they had a venom share thief, condi mirage and 2 necros on mid with a Firebrand.. Was during placement matches, this could have been any tier...That must have been fun. There's always going to be really crummy matches, but I just think it would be cool to have profession-specific MMR lol. The devs said that was only possible if they took out profession swapping though. We either have the option to swap and have people playing on alts but matched based on their mains, or we don't have the ability to swap but risk being stuck in really bad matchups. It's a double edged sword. :/

yea and stopping 2 professions in the game is also a double edge sword...

Not sure if the matchmaking can distinguish between a core Guard and a Firebrand, Im guessing not due to some comps ive seen

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