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Guild Missions in any instances unable to be done with non guild members now. Is this intentional?


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Always before, my guild did guild missions with another guild and it worked fine. Ours is the smaller one so we would start the guild missions then everyone would join on my guild's instance. Over the last 2 months however, no one from the other guild has been able to join on my guild in any instance for guild missions unless the member is in both guilds. The name is just simply not in their list of available guilds to join on. This has seriously handicapped my guild as it is the smaller one and we do not have very many people that can participate therefore we're basically not able to do most instances alone. Both puzzle and challenge instances are affected and none have worked in roughly 2 months. I sent in a bug report and I was told to also post it here. Is anyone else noticing this as well?

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Pretty sure it's not a bug, that change happened way back when they made those missions instanced instead of open world. I remember a lot of complaint being brought up on the forums when it happened too. I'm sure people would be happy too if they made it so you could bring in other guilds and it'd count for both. that'd be a good qol imo.

due note, I don't remember if there was ever a dev statement about it, but I don't believe so.

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@tehdras.1489 said:until about a 2 months ago, we'd been doing them jointly for a while but recently they just dont get the option to join now. really frustrating since we're a smaller guild that doesnt really have the member base available to do those instanced ones without help

Huh, yeah that timeline is way different then when it stopped working for my guild. To be fair a few months after it stopped working for us we pretty much stopped doing guild missions with our sister guild so maybe they had fixed and now re-broke them(?).

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