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Ideas for Retribution/Hammer/Devastation


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1. Replace Steadfast Rejuvenation with Enhanced Bulwark, the old Herald Grandmaster trait.

  • In case you don't remember, Enhanced Bulwark granted you an extra stack of Stability with a base duration of 5 seconds (1s ICD). This allowed certain builds with Jalis/any to hold in one spot very well. It's more thematically appropriate to Retribution/Jalis traitline, and has good synergy with Unwavering Avoidance as well as Determined Resolution. Being in the Grandmaster line, however, you'd have to make a hard choice between it and Versed in Stone/ Vicious Reprisal. A choice between more damage, group sustain, or personal sustain.

2. Unwavering Avoidance gets Stability and Retaliation for 3s each along with a 10s ICD, Retaliatory Evasion gets canned.

  • It seems a bit odd to have 2 traits kinda do the same thing, so this seems like a natural shift. As for the trait that takes it's place, I propose this:----'Stout-Hearted' -- Vengeful Hammers do more damage, recover more health, and grant Retaliation (2s) upon activation (10s ICD)----

3. Replace Field of the Mists with Dome of the Mists, and give Drop the Hammer a quicker drop.

  • Not only will this give us greater coverage, but Dome of the Mists gives us more Weakness, as well as avoiding having to fix the Z-axis bugs that Field of the Mists has. It would be a far better tool for dissuading melee attackers as well. Drop the Hammer could perhaps be taken down to 1 1/4 of a second cast time.

4. Malicious Reprisal improves Enchanted Daggers

  • I'm not sure how, but either by making the daggers unblockable again or by increasing the duration the daggers remain beside you. It's already a fairly good trait though, probably would cut away the bonus damage from special buff stacks to compensate.

5. Change Expose Defenses back to Mutilate Defenses.

  • I find 'after using an elite skill' traits to be quite awkward. Especially with Revenant, seeing as they are hardly things you use, aside from Chaotic Release/Energy Expulsion/Embrace the Darkness (the last 2 not being things you'd typically find on a Devastation build). The traitline seems to focus on building offensive momentum and not giving your opponent any breathing room. If I'm wrong, I could recommend switching Expose Defenses to refresh upon activating a healing skill, which would line up well with how many people play Shiro, and use it to increase the initial burst.
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I really like the ideas about Jalis' legend. I think it could use some love because at the moment it really lacks personality. As Wiki says - Hammer works best with Jalis but getting into the game you see very little defense put into hammer skills :/. Same with Vengeful Hammers. It's just a skill that you'd run with od you want to get that 250 HP and 1000 DMG..Im my opinion every trait line should have an upkeep-dedicated trait to upgrade it.

  • I think that there could be a trait dedicated to weapon which, as said, works best with each spec.At the moment we have 3 specs that clearly say they are upgrading its' weapons :)Shiro - damage on sword attackGlint - condition cleanse with shield skillsVentari - movement and regen granted from staff's orbs
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