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Confounding Suggestions Nerf


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@Tiah.3091 said:

@"Endorphin.9147" said:The old version was bugged, ever notice the mantra mesmers hitting you mid dodge? its because the trait procced the stun to interrupt dodges on some instances. so the trait got reworked

If the wanted to fix that buggy interaction, they could have replaced stun with simple root. I.e., "
1 second root, when you successfully daze a target (15s cooldown)"Since root+daze is effectively a stun.

(Assuming, that
root won't be possible mid-dodge, ofc.)

P.S.In all the honesty, I don't think, that Mantra-Shatter Mirage was balanced, nor OK build.I play power mirage myself (not shatter).I did try it, found it boring AF and never came back.

Being in a similar situation (power but don’t rely on the mantra, often trying things like empowered illusions in place of stun on daze as well) I too found it boring, and at times found in many I’ve dueled that it becomes a bit of a crutch for them.

But I disagree on it being unbalanced, to much in the game sets a much stronger president when compring over all kits. If anything mantra Mesmer has a greater amount of counter play, if at least much more punishable on whiffs.It was by no means hard to avoid if you can see it and read it, and it didn’t have to many options to hide its burst either.

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@Daishi.6027 said:It was by no means hard to avoid if you can see it and read it, and it didn’t have to many options to hide its burst either.

Yeah.. sure.. How about Torch 4? I would mention other sources of stealth, like sigil of midnight and decoy, but none of that is mandatory on mantra build, unlike Torch.Obviously, not every time mesmer can burst you from stealth, because of cooldowns (he can still do the precast of GS-2 from behind the pillar, then Blink and mantra shatter).

But still, every 30 seconds he has Torch-4 up. Which is pretty much guaranteed oneshot, which you can't anticipate.

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I love seeing players health drop from 100 - 0 when all 3 mind wracks land. There is nothing more satisfying.

The build still works, it's just obviously harder to land the complete burst now. I wait like .25 seconds longer before I daze the target to give them less time to dodge. I also make sure I am as close as possible to them so the clones barely have to travel before they WRACK THE OPPONENTS MIND.

I still run elusive mind because that's just how i roll.

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@Tiah.3091 said:

@"Daishi.6027" said:It was by no means hard to avoid if you can see it and read it, and it didn’t have to many options to hide its burst either.

Yeah.. sure.. How about Torch 4? I would mention other sources of stealth, like sigil of midnight and decoy, but none of that is mandatory on mantra build, unlike Torch.Obviously, not every time mesmer can burst you from stealth, because of cooldowns (he can still do the precast of GS-2 from behind the pillar, then Blink and mantra shatter).

But still, every 30 seconds he has Torch-4 up. Which is pretty much guaranteed oneshot, which you can't anticipate.

It's a 3 second stealth and mirror blade has a 3/4 cast time, there is only about a second of wiggle room to delay burst which only matters vs targets with poor cleave, or opponents lacking defensive cleaving options.The timing should be pretty easy for anyone competent to read, most of us have been doing it for years and that's before considering the plethora of other defensive options the entire roster has access to.

Compare that to anything a thief can do from stealth, and how long they can delay in stealth which usually has built in instant gap closer, that ignores line of sight, and not needing to wait another 30 seconds to try that again.

By your logic it would be impossible to avoid a DE, which you definitely can do. This is why it's called "anticipation" because you anticipate the hit even if you cannot see the animation or the target. By the by you can do this vs condi burst too, it's only less consistent because there are more oppertunities for condi burst to land stacks.

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