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Stand The Wall.6987

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  1. these points that this is a bad change aren't thought out at all. the warclaw chain pull. this has to be done to gates, where enemy players naturally congregate and there are almost always eyes there. how hard is it to dismount with damage again? unless you're support its incredibly easy. oh no they'll just flash build a cata now. if you have scouts, this will be completely negated by one mortar/ cannon/ ac. for both of these, assuming they actually pull it off, they are using supply. wasting supply i mean. which means the other side now has less resources to take stuff. if you don't want them wasting your keep supply, retake any nearby camps. there is now no way they can make it worth while to waste your keep sups when they have to run across the map every time just to resupply. anything else i miss?
  3. pvp amulet system prevents any big team battles from being viable. maybe if we could assign our own attributes with the obvious restrictions to prevent degen stats like dire. as it stands now there is no way to be tanky enough to withstand even a 10v10. maybe if objectives forced ppl to split, but then its not really a 10v10 anymore just 2 5v5s or whatever
  4. a simple way for the guild lead to upvote another guild for preference in reshuffling. if we get reshuffled with that guild/ guilds cool, if not hopefully next time. its far from ideal but its better than nothing
  5. yeah i stepped away for a few months and this change snuck in. glad they no longer disable it was nothing more then a glorified grief mechanic
  6. list of new changes The health bar for objective lords will now be displayed in the event UI, making their status much easier to track. Pro tip: clicking the lord’s health bar in the event UI will make them your active target. Works for PvE events, too! Siege disruptors will now be unblockable. We’re increasing the base-level and tier 3 supply capacities for keeps by 50 and increasing the amount of supply granted by the Supply Drop tactic by 100 to add some power back to defending. The Chilling Fog tactivator now heals allied players every few seconds for its duration instead of chilling enemy players. unblockable siege disruptors is going to perma stall fights. this is completely unnecessary and going to break wvw. why... chilling fog change isn't going to do much, i'm guessing most commanders are still going to wait for it to go away before engaging
  7. slow classes need snares. class design 101
  8. is this wvw's gf left me cuz of ladderbord? i would recommend scouring youtube for some organized wvw play. find out how they move and practice, a lot. visit metabattle to look at builds. when you're ready join a guild that is accepting of new players and begin your karma train journey to greener pastures
  9. i thought this was gonna be a battle pass thread i feel let down
  10. the majority of the time a zerg is on lord, it wins. so i think this change will be positive, just gotta keep on eye on the lord heal numbers
  11. well classic zerging has always been around but the modern boonball thing didn't start until HoT when anet decided to abandon their design philosophy and made dedicated supports
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