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Me Games Ma.8426

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I just wanted to share this because I felt like it might be worth sharing. This is not a concept or suggestion. It's just what I dreamed last night.

I was playing my mesmer when I found out that in some way there are secondary professions. The way it worked was: You are able to equip all weapons that your secondary profession can use. The problem was that you coudn't use the skillset of a weapon your secondary profession uses when your primary profession already uses that weapon.E.g. my mesmer as a Mirage/Dragonhunter could wield a longbow with the guardian's skills but when I equipped a greatsword I had my mesmer skills.Utility and Elite skills were not included for secondary professions.All in all it was an interresting dream in which I roamed WvW on a Longbow Mirage/DH who jaunted all over the place while being able to True Shot for good ragned damage.Fun was over when I encountered a daredevil wielding a warrior's hammer. That was nasty.

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