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[Feedback] The Griffon (Potential spoilers)


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I want to start out by saying well done! I feel like there was a lot done right with this mount. From the journey to acquisition to the look and feel of the mount it is an outstanding delivery.I found the utilization of the collections in this case to be far more enjoyable than past adventures. Primarily because there was much more lore to tie it all together and made it feel like more of an epic quest than previous iterations of collections. In many ways, the journey to acquisition of the Griffon is what I had hoped the collection journey for legendaries would have been like.

The only thing that has me disappointed is you came so close to delivering a flying mount and then backed off and gave us a faster glider instead. It's so frustratingly close to a flying mount that it leaves that sense of... I wish you had just gone that extra little bit and pushed into that territory. I hope that at some point in the future it is a consideration. For now, back to enjoying PoF!

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It's better that it can't gain altitude above where it jumps off from. It does trivialize travel a lot if you can get to a high perch first, but at least it requires a set up and work to take advantage of; it also keeps it balanced in the face of the other mounts... all the mounts are still useful thanks to the Griffon being limited... not to mention it keeps gliders useful in the zones where they're appropriate because of ley-lines and updrafts; it would be in bad taste to make gliders completely obsolete in HoT and LWS3 zones.

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If it could actually fly it would make gliders completely obsolete (given they are only one that can use updrafts and laylines to stay airborne nigh-permanently). Well done Anet I say. Can you imagine the outcry of all the people that would have essentially wasted their money buying glider skins too? People are already crying about refund for PoF because first two days of release were bugged (ridiculous idea in my opinion).

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