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[NA][WvW] LZ - Legion of Zamettar is looking for new members! - EU timezone


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Legion of Zamettar [LZ] is a WvW-based guild focused on competitive WvW gameplay in a friendly, competitive non-toxic enviroment. We are currently on Anvil Rock server.

About Us

We are settled on the EU timezone in NA servers, and if there's something that makes us different is that we work hard in our timezone and we will never ever give up: we've been in dead servers, in bandwagons, and we will still give our best and play competitively even if outnumbered in "dead" servers, we won't care, we'll go out and fight.We are a guild which focuses on improving in all kind of aspects regarding WvW having as a main (but not the only) focus zerg fighting. We love medium-high scale fights and we train having that as a main focus. We want to have a competitive group with organized squad compositions using guild builds that are public to all members. We do group trainings, with a specific class or combination of them, and I can give personal training if you're new into WvW and you want to improve.

On top of all that, this is a game, and we play for fun. During our raids even though we will get serious during fights or while sieging against a big amount of people, we will also chill and have fun as a group of friends, while moving across the map for example. We can be very friendly-trolly between each other so the enviroment is cool despite the competitiveness during fights. We do not tolerate toxicity nor blaming, so we don't want people with that behavior.


  • Downloading Teamspeak3 and joining our Teamspeak server to listen to comms/callouts during WvW raids. If you will only play Spellbreaker and/or Chronomancer, you do need a microphone to call for key skills of those classes (dome; veil, portal, illusion).
  • Joining our Guild Discord. There we will post our schedule (more details below), our builds that you'll have to use, and more useful information. We also chit chat a lot there so it will be cool for you to get to know your fellow guildies better!
  • Representing the guild during WvW raids and guild missions when we do those. You also encourage representing the guild during EU prime timezone even if we're not running, but that's not a must.
  • Using classes following guild builds provided in our Discord server. More details below...
  • Joining at least 2 raids per week, if you can't play the game because you're busy it's all good. However if you're actively playing the game you are asked to join raids twice a week.

Guild Builds

We have a set of guild builds for our guildies which must be followed. Traits, weapons, stats in gear (in general), runes and utility skills are mandatory, they have to be just like the builds say them to be, and you should aim to a fully ascended gear. Guild builds are common meta so don't worry about that. However, we can be flexible about a few things:

  1. If you want to play a squishier build because you have experience, go for it! If you're new to the class and you want to have a tankier gear, that's alright!
  2. The stat on each piece of gear is not mandatory. I.e. if all armor is marauder and all trinkets are berserker, you can switch them a bit, but the stats overall must be similar.
  3. If you're new into WvW and you don't have a class geared yet, you may go for a full exotic set until you get more money in the future for ascended. But you need to be at least on fully exotic gear!
  4. You may use a cheap version of food and utility

Here are the classes we use. If you want to know more about builds for them to see how our guild builds may look like you can check "metabattle.com" for basic build. You should look at those labelled as "Meta". They are listed by the relevance order (of what we need at the moment).

  • Support Firebrand
  • Power Scourge
  • Power Herald
  • Healing Scrapper
  • Power Weaver


  • We start at 1:00 PM EST or 18:00 GMT, and run for 2-3 hours. We run from Monday thru Friday. Which days we run depends on how busy my week is, but I will always manage to raid at least 2 times, and up to 5 times per week.

Want to know more? Send me a PM or mail!

You can PM or send me a mail in GW2: Manucab.4573Or you can DM me on Discord: Manu#7719

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