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Magebane Terror


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Screwing around in wvw waiting for pips when I found this build to be fun. I didn't have a need for the resistance from Revenge Counter and the slow/cripple was sub par for me. So I generated this little gem to abuse MiR. I mean abuse it. The build I linked still needs the assassins and zerker traits tweaked for max crit damage, but I saw 10-12k spikes with wastrel's ruin. TFW tether yanks them right into it. I favor burst/sustain builds that are in your face for warriors as I feel the flavor fits the class well. Thieves aren't as much an issue anymore, but guardians still are a pain to deal with since this build relies heavily on maintaining contact with your foe. Though, I'm not great at timing but I'm sure the power signet can help with blocking and other things. Anyway, I found using arc slice to keep tether upkeep can keep the warrior 25 might easy, but the trick is hitting that sweet spot of crit damage and power, and I still need to do some math. Full Counter is stupid easy to keep tether up as well. Anyway, the perma reveal and might is pretty fun. The ability to chase with the weapons is really great seeing how my Norn screams out 'you can't escape' with the tether. Overall, I really enjoy this little build. Be wary though since sustain relies a lot on might generation, evade, and being able to hit your foe. Happy hunting!

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I want to compare it to the build I'm using but like the other guy said, I think you put the wrong link lol. That build has no magebane tether or might makes right (assuming thats what you meant by "MiR"). It does feel like Might Makes Right is too good to pass up, and it has great synergy with Magebane, but I am finding the Revenge Counter helps me a lot with survivability. It's definitely a tough choice of traits for me, which does signify good balance, so I'm glad in that respect.

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