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Main Chat window changes?


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Apologies if I've missed this (cannot see anything about it in any recent game release notes), but has there been a change with the Main Chat window? I was running my last character through the Jahai Bluffs zone and storyline when I noticed that Blish, Gorik and Braham all had different coloured "speech" text in the Main chat window than I was used to. One of them had deep red, one had dark green and Braham had dark blue.

I've also noticed that the little icon at the bottom left of the Chat window now only toggles between hiding the window completely and a sort of dark semi transparent version. Didn't it used to toggle between a solid/almost transparent version/hidden?

One thing I did notice as well was that the dark blue text used for Braham was very difficult to distinguish against the dark background.

Please tell me I'm not imaginging things!!

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