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Tier 4 Cultural Armor


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@Chadramar.8156 said:

@Conncept.7638 said:Unfortunately they said years ago that they are almost certainly never going to make new cultural armor and weapons, because it's too much work for something that applies to too few characters.

If cultural armor is off the table, please at least make sylvari-themed, norn-themed etc. sets for general use. As it is, they are happy to keep making skins with human themes, designed to look good on human characters, while everyone else is a distant second consideration at best.

By comparsion, sylvari have a grand total of four options if they actually want to look like sylvari, and some of those skins look like cheap wet plastic and/or don't even have a glow effect. They got absolutely nothing new in "their" expansion while PoF comes with Elonian/Sunspear which is essentially human cultural armor. Granted, plant armor could look "weird" or "wrong" on other races (though I've seen all sorts in the light Nightmare armor and pull it off well) ... but so does human-themed gear on any non-human, really. It just doesn't bother as many people as much because humans are treated as the baseline instead of as just one in five playable species on par with the others.

Agreed; I was just saying to a guildie that I love my Sylvari toons, but they just don't look right in non-glowy armor. May we have more plant-based armor styles, please? The Twilight Arbor dungeon armor is made for all races, and it is gorgeous. The possibilities are endless and endlessly lovely. Plant armor is a Fashion Wars must.

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@Vladish.3940 said:That is YOUR ASSUMPTION he will never need them. Quite frankly, one day he may have more time or will to play and will want legendaries, which will effectively cause him to have to farm a lot more materials now, that you sold it for him, but that is choice he made, and it may be true IN HIS PARTICULAR CASE. You particular friend doesn't represent every other "casual" gamer in this or any game.

There is no problem with casual players working slowly towards a legendary AT THEIR OWN PACE. If someone wants to spend six years slowly progressing towards one, that's up to them. If someone wants to farm mats for their legendary over six years, doesn't mean that selling them for a gold influx is a viable option to them. It's a case to case scenario and on a grand scale, you care completely wrong and limited by YOUR OWN PERSONAL definition of a casual gamer. Doesn't change the fact that 250g is a lot to many people (many casuals), and not much to many others (Hardcore fans, farmers). Your friend may not needed the materials, it's not true for everyone.

All I said is that you get gold easily, whether you get raw gold or value through materials. I gave an example as to how players have account value without even knowing it. Why are you telling me about priorities? It's got nothing to do with it.

Obviously yes, if you don't want to sell anything, if you don't want to do dailies, if you don't want to do fractals, if you don't want to play the game, you won't get the gryphon. Nor should you.

To each their own priorities. 25k players have gryphons already in a single week.

@Ashen.2907 said:For what its worth, even just doing dailies, assuming no gold gain from drops or any other content played throughout the month, it would not take 125 days.

Over the course of the month you will get laurels that can be converted into gold via t6 materials, you will get mystic coins that can be converted into gold, and you will have the option to choose ascennded crafting mats that are also worth a decent amount of gold.

The gold gain per month from just daily rewards is pretty significant.Yeah... that too. I feel like it's more about people not knowing the value of what they keep getting and just looking at their raw gold. A quick check at gw2efficiency should be a surprise for more than one.

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The cultural sets have many of my favorite armor skins in the game so I would certainly welcome more in the same design vein. That said, t4 would mean amor that's even more ornate and impressive than the t3 armor. That's 15 new sets of demanding to design and implement armor, and I really don't see ANet putting in the resources necessary to make something like that happen. Hell, we didn't even see that many new sets in PoF, and that was an expansion.

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